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  1. Saved421

    Modern use of the term Idolatry

    Thanks for sharing, I am referring to a verse by Paul, its saying they are making their belly an idol. Idolatry is also termed in the Geneva Bible in a footnote as anything taking place of God in our lives. Note: I am paraphrasing Take care, Shawn P/S Idoltary is anything become a god to us.
  2. Saved421

    Is Unbelief a sin ?

    So, Psalm's verse is about a baby formed in a sinful woman's belly not the child.
  3. Saved421

    ESV 2025 - Change notes

    Yes I agree.
  4. Saved421

    Peter’s Tomb desecration

    Interesting, anyhow we shouldn't fear those who can destroy body but the soul. About the Peter verse, I wish to ask why used Hades and what is Hades as a Catholic? Thanks, Shawn
  5. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Thanks for sharing, and I do apologize. I just noticed asked me of this question, well, here is my take. Biblical language is using pure, clean words, also I am not sure how Jpnese works but in Chinese, 你 is you and 祢 is you in the sense referring to God. Also, I would say that phrasing of...
  6. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    I believe the text, not the scholars and neither the marginal notes. Au revoir, Shawn
  7. Saved421

    Peter’s Tomb desecration

    Smoking is harmful, and should not be done. Anyhow, we should respect the burying places of anyone no matter who they were.
  8. Saved421

    Trump Ending Anti-Christian Government Activities

    Dear Silverhair, Thanks for sharing. Yes, Christ made everyone equal in terms of salvation and we should all treat all the same. Paul is saying Woman can't be pastors and in no way I am saying Woman are Second class. Thanks, Shawn
  9. Saved421

    ESV 2025 - Change notes

    Update: Most of the changes are just grammatical changes, footnotes. The rest are minor and the verse numbering is going back to the same as the A.V. Nothing too exciting... Nice they added back some words, time will tell. Shawn
  10. Saved421

    ESV 2025 - Change notes

    Dear community, Apparantly the ESV is getting some changes, and I must admit (some are great.) https://uploads.crossway.org/excerpt/esv-2025-text-changes.pdf Great points: Fixed desire to husband instead of contary in Gen and only begotten Son in John Shawn P/S What are your thoughts?
  11. Saved421

    Trump Ending Anti-Christian Government Activities

    I agree with the above, woman are not qualified according to the scripture to be in the office of am bishop/pastor. I do not agree with everything about Trump, though he is much better than the previous leader. Its great that there will be less abominations be taught and forced through...
  12. Saved421

    Regarding 'Archaic' English

    Dear community, It seems this discussion is not going to go anywhere, so I am retiring from this discission. I do want to note I did not grew up on the KJB, and its not impossible to understand the A.V. I believe the Bible over scholars, the marginal notes are not scripture. Let's not agure...
  13. Saved421

    The written word of God teaches faith precedes regeneration.

    Yes, Jesus shed his precious blood for all men.
  14. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    No, italics are inspired and clearly vindicated by cross refrences. Also, that's how Language works, and some italics mean minor readings. Shawn
  15. Saved421

    Pesky Problem

    We are in the age of grace, thou shalt not kill. We do what we don't want to do, what a wretched life. But we can be born again! Alleuia
  16. Saved421

    Exhaustive Foreknowledge

    Dear reader, God knoweth everything, all our secrets, all our buried deep sins. The spirit of us is the candle that is used to search our reins and hearts. Motivating words and no, those verses rightly divided will not say God didn't know. Shawn
  17. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    Dear Van, I would like to note, the KJB is highly written according to academic studies the same way the origonals were written. Second, the word 'and' isn't always referring to another person or object. Shawn
  18. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    Yes, those verses are stating Jesus is God. Note: I do believe new versions do still have the deity in places. As well, 1 John 3:16 saith: Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
  19. Saved421

    Regarding Sharp Rule

    Dear fourm readers, The King James Bible hath no translational errors, its either a misprint or unaware of differences in the English language. Shawn
  20. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    Dear JesusFan, To shew that they were aware of the alternatives. Shawn