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  1. Saved421


  2. Saved421


  3. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    I see, though I was more referring to times when meaning is changed like sodomites to prositiues.
  4. Saved421

    Ready To Harvest - What Christian Denominations Most Like Catholics

    The YouTube Channel is called that, not the video.
  5. Saved421

    An Even Closer Look at God’s Election

    All men are drawn to him, and yes, I stand corrected, God chose us in him to be saved according to his foreknowledge.
  6. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    I see, anyhow what should have been done is look at all the verses with that word and its cleary defined. Also, encompassed is quite clear and still used. So, its just language updates? Is there any verses that did change due to manuscript differences? Shawn
  7. Saved421

    Divorce and remarriage

    Yes, I stand corrected. Fornication is anything knowing someone that is not honourable or its defiling the way God intended and adultery would be marrying/knowning somone when already have an spouse. No need to go to the Greek. Shawn
  8. Saved421

    Divorce and remarriage

    Stand corrected after some research, also by grace of God. I realized something, Jesus didn't need to explain about heathen and believer's divorce since O.T forbid heathen/believer marriagw together. Also, good article as well: A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE SPANISH BIBLE Anyway, have a great year, Shawn
  9. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    I see, Though are there actual changes of meaning compared to the KJB? Is it just an update to the language?
  10. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    We should study out these 'footnotes' in the NKJV. Please share some, I should be willingly to look at them and give a fair opinion. I do understand that the KJB is not pure T.R. Shawn
  11. Saved421


    Thanks, and I am not sure what is CDS. What I meant is that I understand now that my behaviour before was rude. Anyhow, I must remember Paul said to be kind and gentle. Have a great day, 'Shawn
  12. Saved421

    An Even Closer Look at God’s Election

    Dear Doughcho, We are drawn to him when we are saved, and yes, we shall go to him. Believing first, and then being going to Christ. We must put our faith in the gospel first, check vs 40. https://realbiblebelievers.com/why-john-6-destroys-calvinism
  13. Saved421

    An Examination & Critique of The NEW KING JAMES VERSION.

    I have read the NIV/ESV when I was young and to be honest: most of my doctrinal learning was from the pastor. Anyhow, I believe KJB only but anyone can be saved as long with right gospel from any version. I do not trust the NKJV, its not a King James Version. Also, alot of critical readings...
  14. Saved421


    We are saved by faith in his blood and its all his grace. Believeth is belives and apparantly the Greek word behind it also can mean 'obey.' Anyhow, we shouldn't be fussing about this, we need to share the gospel. Shawn Gospel: God manifested in the flesh (JESUS CHRIST) shed his blood on...
  15. Saved421

    Divorce and remarriage

    That's what I always believed about that verse, also infidelity sounds the same as immoral to me, is it different?
  16. Saved421

    Is new KJV defender more extreme or radical than Peter Ruckman?

    Yes, he is making unscriptural claims that Jesus is the King James Bible. Jesus is the Word of God and the KJB is the infalliable English word of God.
  17. Saved421


    Greetings, I'm back and I promise, I won't go crazy again. How is everyone doing and Happy New Year!! Shawn
  18. Saved421

    Divorce and remarriage

    Dear Cathode, This is an interesting point, the discussion is very interesting. I believe that only fornication is the only exception besides death that can be remarried. Take care, and may the good Lord give us more understanding day by day.