And what meaning did I attach to it? I just gave you a scripture. Are you taking utterance out of the Bible?
What do you think a manifestation is? The tongues in Acts were a manifestation of the Holy Spirit that was just poured out upon them.
Something that is confusing, without understanding, causes chaos, and is continually rebuked by Paul is not refreshing. It is never termed as "refreshing" in the NT. You are reading into the Scripture something that is not there. It is a habit with you.
To manifest simply means "to reveal".
I reveal the truth of Scripture every Sunday when I preach.
It is done in a more vivid way when I give an object lesson to the children.
A simple truth is revealed to them using a means that they will not easily forget. For example, Jesus used a candle, and likened it to a light that should not go out. What should not go out? The Christ-like Christian testimony that people see. Or do we have "Sunday-going only" Christians. Their lights only shine on Sundays.
You keep saying you can not get doctrine out of it? What are you going to do with this scripture? Take it out like you all the rest of them that do not agree with your theory? What does ALL mean here to you?
1 Tim. 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"
All Scripture is profitable. But all Scripture does not correct does it? All Scripture does not have all the uses that Paul listed. Some have one function and some another. History does not teach doctrine. There may be instances in an historical passage where doctrine is taught, but for the major parts it is history. What does Paul say about the history of the Israelites, for example:
1 Corinthians 10:6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
--He doesn't say this is our doctrine, but rather our examples...
And to emphasize this truth he says:
1 Corinthians 10:11 Now
all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are
written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
--They are examples.
--They are written for our admonition
--They do not teach us doctrine.
We do have doctrinal books. The Book of Romans, for example, is one of the most complete treatises written on soteriology that one can find.
No, not avoiding just tired of having to reapeat myself. I answered this a long time ago...go back and look it up in the thread!
No, I gave you answers that you could not respond to. You had nothing to refute it, so you went and said something completely off topic and irrelevant. That is rude, and unnecessary. If you don't know how to answer or what the answer is then be humble enough to say it.
Example. What does Genesis 1:1 say?
Your answer: Mormonism actually has three books.
--If you don't know, just say so.
Not ignoring! Again just tired of repeating myself! You are correct Jesus has not come back to get his bride! The gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out for the bride! A gift that the word says He does not take back!!
Go back and read Heb.2:3,4. The gifts of the Holy Spirit (collectively) were "poured out" as a sign for the apostles--to authenticate them and their message. No Apostles today; no gifts today. They were not poured out for his bride. Nowhere does the Bible say that. You are just making things up as you go along.
Tongues is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit!
You change meanings of words. You probably don't know what "manifestation" even means, though I have already told you. And there is not a single person living today that speaks in tongues--having the Biblical gift of tongues. Can you point one out to me? Do you speak in another known language, not known to yourself but known to others, and can be accurately interpreted by others to others so that all will understand what language you are speaking in? IOW, do you have that gift that will take away the necessity of missionaries having to go to language schools before they go to the foreign mission field. You can't do that can you? Why? Because that gift has ceased, and what you have is not that gift, but a forgery.
Really, so your saying that all the Jews are believers now? IT was a sign that the Holy Spirit was poured out as Jesus said it would be! A sign to the Jew was not the ONLY reason for tongues!
What unbelieving Jews are in your church? How many do you have?
First Paul said it was to the Jewish nation in 1Cor.14:21. You are familiar with that verse. Then we have an example of that in history. (Acts 2).
Acts 2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the midst of you, as ye yourselves also know:
23 Him, being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain:
--Note the doctrine comes from the epistle, and the example from the book of Acts. In the example Peter was preaching right to the very ones who had crucified Christ. He starts out by saying "Ye men of Israel."
The speaking in another language was a sign to these unbelieving Jews of the first century, even the very ones that crucified our Lord. It wasn't for all Jews.
John 1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
--Once that rejection came, the sign ceased. John wrote that ca. 90 A.D. By that time tongues had ceased.
Do you always mix truth with your theory? Some of what you post is true! But what you insinuate is not! Look a little closer at that scripture:
.."With men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people" If you look that scripture up in Is.28 it will shed to light some interesting things about tongues.
What is the rest? What is the refreshing? This is the refreshing, the rest...tongues!
As noted above, tongues do not refresh. Where do you get that idea. They were a sign of judgment. How is that refreshing? They caused confusion, chaos, and were soundly rebuked by the Apostle Paul! How is that refreshing. Do you get refreshed by continually being rebuked? They were anything but refreshing. They were the opposite of refreshing. They were a sign of judgment to come.
THe Holy Spirit is the gift that was poured out on the Day of Pentecost...tongues was the manifestation that day!
And so were "the mighty rushing wind" and "the cloven tongues of fire." Why don't you seek to have those manifestations also. The fact that you don't demonstrates that what you have is a forgery; fraudulent; not the real thing.
There are several manifestataions! He chose tongues!
Prove it! Pentecost was a one time event never to be repeated again. The fact is that you chose to isolate tongues from those three manifestations. God didn't choose tongues; you did.
Now until you can show me where He took the Holy Spirit away!
He never took the Holy Spirit away; the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased. They are not longer needed. The Apostles are dead. The first century Jews are dead. Why are you practicing things that belong to dead people??
ALL the manifestations will be here with the church until Jesus comes back! Then we will no longer need them!
That is not in Scripture.
Plus you will have to take Mark 16 out of the Bible too! Signs will follow those that believed the apostles teachings/doctrine!
So what is your daily diet? Draino, HCL, Do you pick up deadly snakes, and drink deadly poison, and are assured that they won't harm you?
My doctrines do not come from history books or science books! Call it what you wish! I let scripture interpret scripture!
That is not what you do! Rather you pit Scripture against Scripture, thereby making the Bible contradict itself.
So if they were fulfilled back then...the Holy Spirit does not call us today? Please think before you post! I am tired of responding to things like this!
Your post, as you have done many times is a non sequitor.
First you asked: What part of Joel's prophecy is fulfilled?
I answered:
The coming of the Holy Spirit. He did come.
People did call upon the name of the Lord.
Salvation came to more than just the Jews.
Those things were fulfilled.
What you posted above has nothing to do with this answer.
What has that answer got to do with the Holy Spirit "calling us today"?
Absolutely nothing. You don't make sense.
Wrong! THe Holy Spirit was poured out for all to receive!
Then why didn't all receive it. There were more than 100,000 present on the Day of Pentecost. Only 3,000 were saved.
If the Holy Spirit CAME on ALL FLESH, then ALL FLESH would have been saved!
But that is not what happened.
Just like Jesus sacrifice was done once for all! It was done once! But we today can still receive salvation because of the one sacrifice!
He died for all that all might have the opportunity to be saved; But ALL FLESH will not be saved.
How do you know they did not see dreams and visions?
Because I read and study the Bible. Very few of them did. Look at Heb.1:1,2. It was not God's method of giving revelation. And it will not be until He comes again. Even then it will only be a sign.
The only thing that was not fulfilled was the things that will be done on the earth below and the heavens above. All the things of the Spirit was poured out that day!
If that were true all the Muslims and Hindus would be saved, but they aren't. All flesh means exactly what it says--all flesh--every human being. But the Spirit is not on all flesh. In fact most of the world today is directly opposed to the Holy Spirit of God.