The Bible never says we will know all things. It says we will know as we are known. Therefore, we will not all things about ourselves, not all things.I just came across this difference tonight...If I said anything right now it would just be my opinion.
I do not think we will lose knowledge, I just think we would just know all things then. We would not have to gain more knowledge.
If we knew all things, we would be omniscient like God. This is similar to the charismatic "manifest sons of God" teaching there are in these last days special prophets and apostles that will have powers similar to Christ, and be "sons of God" in a similar way to Him. Is this what you believe?
"These Manifest Sons of God, ones who have come into the full stature of Jesus Christ, would receive the Spirit without measure. They would be as Jesus was when he was on earth and would receive a number of divine gifts, including the ability to change their physical location, to speak any language through the Holy Spirit, and would be able to perform divine healings and other miracles. They would complete the work of God, restoring man's rightful position as was originally mandated in Genesis. By coming into the full stature of Christ, they would usher in his millenial reign. Extreme versions of this interpretation referred to Jesus as a "pattern" Son and applied "ye are gods" (Psalms 82:6) to this coming company of believers" (