This is where I stand on chapter 12...
Corinthians Chapter 12
Spiritual Gifts-
He is talking to saved people.
Does not want you to be ignorant.
There are different gifts, administrations, operations but the same Spirit, Lord and God. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to profit withal.
KJV Acts 2:32-33This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the Promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. (The manifestation of the spirit is like electricity, you can not see Electricity but you see it manifested through the light bulb.)
Word of wisdom
God providing to you direction on how to apply the knowledge he gave you about something.
Word of knowledge
God providing to you information, insight about something.
Having confidence or trust that what God has revealed to you by knowledge or wisdom will come to pass at your command.
To heal by the power of God, according to what God has revealed to you by knowledge or wisdom.
Exercising your God given spiritual ability to do miracles by the power of God according to knowledge/wisdom.
Speaking, writing communicating a message from God to people. Convinces the unlearned, secrets of his heart made manifest, reports that God is in you of a truth.
Discerning of spirits
God reveals to you information about the presence or non presence of spirits (Holy or demonic) whether you can cast them out and providing the power to do it.
Speaking a language of men or angels that you do not understand given to you by the Lord.
Interpretation of tongues
Given the sum and substance in your language of what you have just spoken in tongues.
Same Spirit giving every man severally as he will.
Revelation gifts-knowledge, wisdom.
Power gifts- faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning spirits.
Worship- tongues, interpretation of tongues.
(Rom.11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.)
One Body, Many Members
Christ Church has many members just like our physical body
The same Spirit is in us all.
We are baptized into one body.
All our body parts are important just like members of Christ.
God has set them in the body as it pleases Him.
There should be no divisions in the body.
We are members of the body of Christ.
God has set in the church.
First apostles.
Second prophets
Third teachers
Miracles, healing, helps, governments, tongues.
Covet the best gifts.
Corinthians Chapter 12
Spiritual Gifts-
He is talking to saved people.
Does not want you to be ignorant.
There are different gifts, administrations, operations but the same Spirit, Lord and God. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to profit withal.
KJV Acts 2:32-33This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses.
Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the Promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. (The manifestation of the spirit is like electricity, you can not see Electricity but you see it manifested through the light bulb.)
Word of wisdom
God providing to you direction on how to apply the knowledge he gave you about something.
Word of knowledge
God providing to you information, insight about something.
Having confidence or trust that what God has revealed to you by knowledge or wisdom will come to pass at your command.
To heal by the power of God, according to what God has revealed to you by knowledge or wisdom.
Exercising your God given spiritual ability to do miracles by the power of God according to knowledge/wisdom.
Speaking, writing communicating a message from God to people. Convinces the unlearned, secrets of his heart made manifest, reports that God is in you of a truth.
Discerning of spirits
God reveals to you information about the presence or non presence of spirits (Holy or demonic) whether you can cast them out and providing the power to do it.
Speaking a language of men or angels that you do not understand given to you by the Lord.
Interpretation of tongues
Given the sum and substance in your language of what you have just spoken in tongues.
Same Spirit giving every man severally as he will.
Revelation gifts-knowledge, wisdom.
Power gifts- faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning spirits.
Worship- tongues, interpretation of tongues.
(Rom.11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.)
One Body, Many Members
Christ Church has many members just like our physical body
The same Spirit is in us all.
We are baptized into one body.
All our body parts are important just like members of Christ.
God has set them in the body as it pleases Him.
There should be no divisions in the body.
We are members of the body of Christ.
God has set in the church.
First apostles.
Second prophets
Third teachers
Miracles, healing, helps, governments, tongues.
Covet the best gifts.