No, he was talking about tongues...speaking to God. This is what verse 2 says that you speak to God and not man.
What language do you pray in? The word "tongue" as in mother tongue, simply means "language." To speak in other tongues means other languages, real and known to others, even when you pray. The Bible never teaches any other definition of tongues or languages.
Thus, in verse two, if I speak in another language, (Telegu [if I knew it] ) then you would not understand me, but God would. That is because it is a real language. Tongues are always real languages.
"If I speak in an unknown language I do not speak unto men, but unto God." Why? You and others would not understand the Telegu, but God would. If it were gibberish, not even God would understand it.
Paul said he spoke in tongues more than all...but in church he spoke with his understanding! vs 18-19.
1 Corinthians 14:18 I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:
--That is one verse. He says that he spoke more than any one of them.
The place where he spoke was the church or churches. He would never go against the Word.
1 Corinthians 14:19 Yet in the church I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that
by my voice I might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an
unknown tongue.
--Now he clarifies how unimportant tongues are. Speaking with understanding is important, not tongues. In fact in 1Cor.12:28 "tongues" is listed last as the gift of least importance. There the gifts are all listed in order of importance, and tongues and the interpretation thereof are listed last.
Carful giving credit to the devil for something that the Holy Spirit does! I did not say mysteries to write more scriptures! How did you come up with that?
Because it happens.
It even happened in Corinth.
1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual
gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.
3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and
that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
1. Don't be ignorant of spiritual gifts--verse one. In 1:7 Paul points out that the Corinthian church was not lacking in any of the gifts; they had them all.
2. Sometimes they let their pagan past get the best of them. IOW, it was possible that some of their speaking in tongues could have been influenced by demons. Speaking in tongues was done by pagan nations.
3. No man speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed.
4. No man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
Now think about that. I came out of the RCC an unsaved person. I was not indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Yet many times I said that Christ was Lord, but it wasn't by the Holy Spirit. It was out of my carnal religious past. Many religious people call Jesus Christ, Lord. They do so without the Holy Spirit. It is not hard to get them to repeat those words either. So what does this verse mean?
Many of them were speaking in tongues--other languages, but they were under the influence of demons. Some of them, without even knowing it, were cursing the Lord in a language that they did not know. Thus Paul says that the Holy Spirit will always call Christ Lord; demons will not. Someone will recognize the language that they are speaking in. They are real languages.
To pray in the spirit, not understanding what you are praying, but trusting the Holy Spirit to make intercessory prayer for take belief! Unbelief-nothing will happen concerning the things of the Spirit. It takes faith to please God in every area!
Faith is not blind. Faith always is exercised on the basis of facts. My faith is based on the facts of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is for that reason I believe I have eternal life and forgiveness of sins. A Hindu exercises "blind faith." He bathes himself in the "holy waters" of the Ganges River, trusting that the waters of that river will wash away his sins. But what does he base his faith on? How does he know that that polluted river will wash away his sins. He doesn't. And it won't. It is blind faith.
Your faith is also blind, and not based on any fact. It is not based on the Word of God. You have nothing to back it up. It is totally experiential, mystical, and even gnostic to some degree. But it is not Biblical. Prayer is always, always, made with understanding. If you have no understanding it is not prayer. Prayer, by definition, must have understanding.
I am not going to rehash this, I have gone over what I believe and why! Paul said he prayed more in tongues than any..yet in the church he spoke in his understaning.
Paul did not say that:
1 Corinthians 14:18 I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all:
--He said he spoke in tongues, not prayed in tongues, more than them all.
And it was always in the church, and always with understanding.
You have to understand the major areas for the use of tongues. Public use of tongues in the assembly of the church and the use of tongues in our personal intercessory prayer life. If not the whole chapter 14 will contradict itself!
There is no private use for tongues. It is a gift to be used for the church.
You are contradicting the chapter by your own blindness. Paul was rebuking their use of tongues in almost every verse.
1 Corinthians 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
29 Are all apostles?
are all prophets?
are all teachers?
are all workers of miracles?
The body of Christ here is the local church. Each one is a member. They all had different gifts. Some were apostles, some prophets, some had the gift of healings, and last of all there were tongues.
Notice: FIRST, secondarily, thirdly, after that, then... All the gifts were put in order of importance, and tongues is last--the least important.
Now look at the rhetorical questions put forth by Paul in verse 29?
Are all apostles? Are you?
Are all prophets? Are you?
Are all workers of miracles? Are you?
No, they weren't. They all had different gifts. Not everyone would have the gift of tongues, and in fact very few would have that gift. Perhaps more would have the gift of helps. Never are we told to seek this gift. In fact we are discouraged to use it, and they were encouraged to seek to prophesy and teach instead. Those gifts could be understood and would edify. Tongues would not.