Yeah, and it was never conclusively proven.Smith Wigglesworth reportedly did it.
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Yeah, and it was never conclusively proven.Smith Wigglesworth reportedly did it.
Then you don't agree with normal Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching that tongues is the sign of the filling of the Holy Spirit, is that correct?Where in the Bible does it say you HAVE to speakin tongues everytime you are filled?
There is no such phrase in the Bible as "manifestation of the Holy Spirit." That's made up. I don't even know what you mean by it.You were taught your language? Then it is not a manifestation of the Holy Spirit? Even unbelievers can learn a language!
So your final position is that God never, no never, gifts lost people, is that correct? Can you prove that from the Bible?Unbelievers can interpret! Again it can be taught! Sorry folks..but the Bible shows in the NT only believers can manifest the Holy Spirit!
Poor exegesis. It does not say that in Acts 2. You can't just stick words from Acts 19 into Acts 2.Wrong again! Because prophecy is a seperate gift than tongues. In Acts 19 they spoke in tongues and prophesied.
Tongues + interpretation = prophesy
Yes, they magnified God with their languages, that is clear from the text.Nobody in Act 10 interpreted tongues. They were magnifying God just like Acts 2.
Again, I am coming into this from a Baptist background! But when I look at the examples of Baptism of the Holy Spirit..Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), At the House of Cornelius the Gentile (Acts 10:44-45), The New Christians in Samaria (Acts 8:12-17),The Disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19:1-6),Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:17-18)...there was an outward manifestation. Even Paul said he spoke in tongues (this is not a learned language as you are trying to say it is) when did Paul receive this? The ones at Pentecost, Cornelius and others did not go to school to learn this language, but you did! So you learning a language is not the same as what they experienced!Then you don't agree with normal Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching that tongues is the sign of the filling of the Holy Spirit, is that correct?
I think you need to go back and read chapters 12-14 again! Chapter 12:7.."But the MANIFESTATION OF THE SPIRIT is given to every man to profit withal."There is no such phrase in the Bible as "manifestation of the Holy Spirit." That's made up. I don't even know what you mean by it.
Yes! I do understand! And so do I! THose are natual gifts that are given even to the unbeliever also...and they are from God. But you can not manifest the Holy Spirit unless He is in/upon you, right?And you don't understand. I credit God with everything, every gift I have. Don't you? And it makes perfect sense to me that the Holy Spirit made me and gave me the gifts I have in light of 1 Cor. 12-14.
Right and need to start reading my post closer, I have never said that tongues were not a language.The problem is, you don't think of "tongues" in the Bible as regular languages, but they were. I've already pointed that out from the Greek words used. And in 1611, the word "tongues" simply meant languages, not some "manifestation."
I never said this, you keep adding to what I post! God gives us natural gifts/unbelievers have these also. Are you saying an unbeliever can manifest something He does not have within or upon?So your final position is that God never, no never, gifts lost people, is that correct? Can you prove that from the Bible?
I am not quoting from is in 1 Cor.14..Poor exegesis. It does not say that in Acts 2. You can't just stick words from Acts 19 into Acts 2.
There are two other manifestations mentioned in Chapter 13 that no one else debates are no longer here, Prophecy and knowledge...
The meaning of prophecy...speak for another...So it could mean to Speak for God or be His spokesman. To edify, exhort and comfort. Why would this be done away with?
It is a word of knowledge...a word is a fragmentary part of a sentence, so a word of knowledge would be a fragmentary part of the entire knowledge or counsel of God...not complete knowledge! God is all knowing, He has all knowledge. God still speaks to people and gives us a word of knowledge...a supernatural revelation by the Holy Spirit of certain facts in the mind of God.
When we see Him face to face and we are changed into His image...then we will know completley! We are still being built up in our faith!
Yes! I totally agree! But when it is from the Spirit usually my spirit bears witness to the Holy Spirit through them. If not then the gift of discernment better kick in!I do believe God gives people special words of encouragement or exhortation for one another...two examples are (1) a college professor who barely knew me encouraged me to think about going into ministry. (2) A man in our church stood up in a business meeting and said he felt like God wanted us to rebuild a church in Haiti that the earthquake had collapsed. In both cases, I believe those came from God...but in both cases, they could have simply been that persons opinion...God might not have been calling me to the ministry (he was). Each case must be tested against scripture, and it must be understood that what I think might be a word from God might actually just be one persons opinion...time will tell.
Bottom line...just because someone says they have a word from God...(to quote the great song from Porgy & Bess)..."It ain't necessarily so."
So Awaken, simple question...
If someone does not do miraculous healing or speak in tongues...would you say they do not have the Spirit, because if they did, it would be miraculously manifest?
(I would say theY certainly could...because the Spirit could manifest itself in a gift of service, accompanied by love, joy, peace, patience, self-control, gentleness...)
When I look at the gifts of the Spirit it looks like...
Three of them say something-Prophecy, tongues, interpretation of tongues.
Three of them do something- faith, miracles, healings.
Three of them reveal something-word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discerning spirits.
1 Corinthians 14 says that we should covet prophecy.
The fruit of the Spirit is the nature of God this comes from the indwelling Holy Spirit at our birth. This is how we know true born again their fruits.
Jesus was God, the very nature of God, but it was not until the dove (Holy Spirit) came upon Him that He did miracles. Ever wonder why that was? He did not do one miracle until the Holy Spirit came upon Him!
Would you say that a born again christian with the indwelling Holy Spirit is also a spirit filled christian?So you're saying speaking in tongues is not necessary to being a spirit-filled Christian?
What about them?what about teaching, leadership, service, acts of mercy, generosity? (Romans 12).
You still did not answer my question. Do you or do you not believe that tongues are the sign of the fullness of the Holy Spirit?Again, I am coming into this from a Baptist background! But when I look at the examples of Baptism of the Holy Spirit..Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), At the House of Cornelius the Gentile (Acts 10:44-45), The New Christians in Samaria (Acts 8:12-17),The Disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19:1-6),Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:17-18)...there was an outward manifestation. Even Paul said he spoke in tongues (this is not a learned language as you are trying to say it is) when did Paul receive this?
Yes, and there is no Biblical evidence that the tongues in 1 Cor. 12-14 are the same as the tongues in Acts 2. Paul does not refer back to the events in Acts in those chapters. Prove to me that 1 Cor. 12-14 are speaking of miraculous tongues.The ones at Pentecost, Cornelius and others did not go to school to learn this language, but you did! So you learning a language is not the same as what they experienced!
You're right, I blew that one!I think you need to go back and read chapters 12-14 again! Chapter 12:7.."But the MANIFESTATION OF THE SPIRIT is given to every man to profit withal."
Glad to know you think they are real languages. But why would they be earthly languages if tongues are always talking to God as you say? That doesn't make any sense. Why talk to God in another tongue if you can do so in your own. However, it makes perfect sense to speak other languages if you are telling others about God.Yes! I do understand! And so do I! THose are natual gifts that are given even to the unbeliever also...and they are from God. But you can not manifest the Holy Spirit unless He is in/upon you, right?
Right and need to start reading my post closer, I have never said that tongues were not a language.
Wrong on the manifestation part...I have already showed this...but to show you futher.
A "manifestation" is something made visible, apparent, or evident in the senses world.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to add to what you post. That's why I said, "Is this correct?" So then, why is 1 Cor. 12-14 not talking about God gifting unbelievers as well as believers?I never said this, you keep adding to what I post! God gives us natural gifts/unbelievers have these also. Are you saying an unbeliever can manifest something He does not have within or upon?
But you had previously said that in Acts they were both speaking in tongues and prophesying. Please be more clear in your points.I am not quoting from is in 1 Cor.14..
"I would like every one of you to speak in tongues, but I would rather have you prophesy. He who prophesies is greater than one who speaks in tongues, unless he interprets, so that the church may be edified."
This is not accurate. Paul did not say that speaking in tongues and interpreting was the same as prophesying. He said that if you speak in tongues you prophesy with those tongues. The tongue (both the original and the interpreting languages) is the means used to prophesy, not the prophecy itself. If I preach a sermon in Japanese (a form of Biblical prophesying, I believe), the Japanese is the means by which I preach. If I translate/interpret into Japanese for an American preacher speaking English, again, his means is English and mine is Japanese. The language is distinct from the sermon.Paul also said that when we speak in tongues to a church congregation (using the public form of tongues, i.e. the "gift" of tongues) and we interpret what was said (using the gift of interpretation), this is equivalent to prophesying. Speaking in the gift of tongues and then giving the interpretation results in the same benefit and edification for the church congregation as the gift of prophecy does, according to the verse above.
How can tongues be anything other than supernatural? It is a language spoke by the person that they have never learned or can understand...UNLESS God gives them the interpretation. It is a vocal miracle of the Holy Spirit!Yes, and there is no Biblical evidence that the tongues in 1 Cor. 12-14 are the same as the tongues in Acts 2. Paul does not refer back to the events in Acts in those chapters. Prove to me that 1 Cor. 12-14 are speaking of miraculous tongues.
Read 1 Cor. 14:2!Glad to know you think they are real languages. But why would they be earthly languages if tongues are always talking to God as you say? That doesn't make any sense. Why talk to God in another tongue if you can do so in your own. However, it makes perfect sense to speak other languages if you are telling others about God.
Manifestation (phanerosis)- a manifestation, a making visible of observable.But let's consider the "manifestation" verse. The Greek word for that is phanerosis, a rare one, occurring only twice in the NT and never in the Septuagint. The Friberg lexicon says, "as an action making public, clear announcement, disclosure (2C 4.2); evidencing, making known, revelation (1C 12.7)."
There is nothing in that definition suggesting a miracle. Nor is there anything that says God cannot gift lost people. You still have to prove that to me.
I agree with you up to the point of spiritual gifts...He gives them natural gifts. They can not manifest what they do not have! IF they do not have the Holy Spirit, how can they manifest it?I believe that God has a plan for every single lost person just as for every saved person, even if they don't ever believe. He mourns when they die without Him (Ez. 33:11), sad that they have not fulfilled their potential for glorifying Him. He gives them spiritual gifts, even if they never use them or only use them for their own profit.
Not sure what you want me to see here?On that line, note these Scriptures: "But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him" (Luke 7:30). "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance" (Rom. 11:29).
You are making an assumption here that Acts 2 etc. and 1 Cor. refer to the same kind of tongues. I asked you to prove it. Your opinion doesn't prove a thing--give me Scriptural proof.How can tongues be anything other than supernatural? It is a language spoke by the person that they have never learned or can understand...UNLESS God gives them the interpretation. It is a vocal miracle of the Holy Spirit!
You see that tongues are different? Well, you are the first! Most people do not see the difference.
I've read it many, many times and it still says the same thing to me. If I am in a room speaking Japanese, but no one in the room but me knows Japanese, then only God knows what I am saying. You are operating here on a presupposition that the tongues in this chapter are the same as in Acts 2, a miraculous gift. Prove it!Read 1 Cor. 14:2!
This is an anachronistic approach. You are using English and modern technology to try to understand the NT, which was written in Greek. Try again. This doesn't convince at all.Manifestation (phanerosis)- a manifestation, a making visible of observable.
Example: Electric energy in a light bulb is manifested in the form of light and heat. We can not see the light (Holy Spirit) but we can see the light and heat (9 gifts manifested through born again/spirit filled people).
You are missing the grammar of the passage. It is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, not humans manifesting the Spirit. We use the gifts God manifests/gives/empowers (looking at the Greek definition) in us.I agree with you up to the point of spiritual gifts...He gives them natural gifts. They can not manifest what they do not have! IF they do not have the Holy Spirit, how can they manifest it?
That God loves each lost person, has a plan for them, and gives them gifts.Not sure what you want me to see here?
When we are talking to God it is praying! Acts 2, Acts 10, Acts 19 they were talking to God. 1 Cor. says talking to God!You are making an assumption here that Acts 2 etc. and 1 Cor. refer to the same kind of tongues. I asked you to prove it. Your opinion doesn't prove a thing--give me Scriptural proof.
I've read it many, many times and it still says the same thing to me. If I am in a room speaking Japanese, but no one in the room but me knows Japanese, then only God knows what I am saying. You are operating here on a presupposition that the tongues in this chapter are the same as in Acts 2, a miraculous gift. Prove it!
This is an anachronistic approach. You are using English and modern technology to try to understand the NT, which was written in Greek. Try again. This doesn't convince at all.[/quote} ALL, it is not my job to convince or convict..that is the Holy Spirits! I share...the rest is up to you and the Holy Spirit. That was a good example of manifestation! Sorry you can not understand it!
What?? your kidding right? THe Holy Spirit lives in is the power of the Holy Spirit, not our power!You are missing the grammar of the passage. It is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, not humans manifesting the Spirit. We use the gifts God manifests/gives/empowers (looking at the Greek definition) in us.
So if it is dead and cannot respond, how can it manifest in the spirit? I can not make sense out of what you are saying...if it is not out of our spirit, then it is our of our flesh (natural)..According to the doctrine of trichotomy lost people have spirit, soul and body just like saved people do. The spiritual part is dead in that it cannot respond to God, but it still exists. So they can have spiritual gifts, but not use them spiritually.