I have shown different! When we talk to God that is prayer!No, you are determined to use the Word of God to justify your experience. You experience is near and dear to you and you won't give it up. Everything revolves around it. Your doctrine revolves around your experience. Let's see once more how the Scriptures are totally against speaking in another language in this day and age.
1. There is no such thing as a private prayer language taught in the Bible. There never was, is not, and never will be. It doesn't exist.
Acts 2 They were magnifying God! Talking to God!
Acts 10 they were doing the same as Acts 2 praising God!
1 Cor. 14:2 says you speak to God, that is praying!
vs. 14 If I (Paul) pray in tongues (which he does vs. 18) my spirit prays!
vs. 15 Speaks of praying both in the spirit (tongues) and with understanding (understood language).
vs 28 If there is no interpreter...pray to God! That is prayer in private between yourself and God!
YOur opionion not backed up with scripture!2. All spiritual gifts mentioned in 1Cor.12 were supernatural and given to first century churches, given only to first century churches, for the revelation of God was not yet complete.
They were given to edify, exort and comfort! They were given to the church for the church...and the church is still here! Prayer was also given to the church..but it is not limited to just the assembly!3. They were given to the churches and not for private use. Just as the gift of healing, helps, administration, miracles, etc. was not used for oneself to practice at home, neither was the gift of tongues. It is totally absurd even to think that such a thing was possible. All the gifts were given for the edification and understanding of the entire church; never just one individual.
Please quote the whole scripture! vs 28 "But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself AND GOD!4. Tongues ALWAYS had to be interpreted. If tongues were not interpreted the person had to remain silent. They were not to exercise their gift at all.
This is not speaking of tongues! How do you reconcile this scripture?5. Women were not permitted to speak in tongues whatsoever. They were to maintain absolute silence in the church.
1 Corinthians 11:5: "And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head--it is just as though her head were shaved."
You leave out parts of scripture that does not agree with your theories!6. Tongues were a sign to the unbelieving Jew. If there is no unbelieving Jew present there is no need to speak in tongues.
Wrong! Others spoke in tongues not just the apostles.7. Tongues are a sign that designated one as an apostle, authenticated his message and him as an apostle.
You have yet to show me where tongues are used to reveal. What are they to reveal? THey are speaking to God. Magnifying and praising God (Acts 2 and 10), speaking to God (1 Cor. 14)8. Tongues was a vehicle for revelation, and would cease at the end of the first century when the last book of the Bible would be written. And that is exactly what happened.
So you back your doctrine on history and not the Bible? THe Bible is clear when the work of the Holy Spirit will end! As long as the church is here on earth the Holy Spirit will be here! We are not to quench the work of the Holy Spirit! We are not to deny the Power of the Holy Spirit!9. Historically we have only 3 cases of tongues. In Acts 2, 10, and 19. We don't read of any others except in the Book of Acts, and in a general way that Paul refers to. But Paul died ca. 68 A.D. Tongues were already beginning to fade out when First Corinthians was being written. By the time the Book of Revelation was written it had probably already ceased. There is no history of tongues from that time until 1905 which is the beginning of the Charismatic movement. Thus the Charismatic rules out 19 centuries of Christendom inferring that they are all unscriptural--some of the most Godly men that ever lived, lived during that period. But you don't care about that.
Where did Paul say he would rather speak that? In church! But he also said he spoke in tongue more than anyone!! Maybe that is because speaking in tongues is speaking to God!10. Paul stressed the insignificance of tongues when he said: "I would rather speak five words with understanding then 10,000 words in an unknown tongue." 5:10,000! That is quite a contrast isn't it? To put it more mathematically it is a ratio of 1:2,000. Speaking in your own language or with understanding is two thousand times more important than speaking with tongues.
Your point?11. Read 1Cor.12:28. All the gifts are listed in order of importance and tongues are listed last, as the least important of all the gifts. It was not one of the more important gifts.
Who is seeking tongues?12. We are never told to seek after tongues.
Sinful? He said in 14:1 to desire spiritual gifts especially prophesy. I agree with scriptures not all are called to speak in tongues AT CHURH.13. "Do all speak in tongues." The answer to the rhetorical question is "No." All had a gift, but it wasn't the same one, and they were to be content with the one that they were given of God. To seek a gift that God had not given you was sinful.
When do you believe you can manifest the Holy Spirit?14. Nowhere is the gift of tongues directly connected with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. These are two separate events and doctrines.
But I did! and I have through this whole thread...you just ignore the scriptures that I post!Now that still is not all the restrictions on tongues but it is enough.
It still is not all the reasons why a person should not even try to speak in tongues but it is enough. It is enough that you cannot go through that entire list and respond with Scripture to each one and prove them wrong.
But God knows what is said because it is the Holy Spirit that gives the utterance (Acts 2:4)If you were honest you would have to admit, given the evidence above, that speaking in tongues, is not a Biblical gift for today.
If you do not know what you are speaking, and no one else doesn't know what you are speaking you can be assured it is not of God.
YOu have proven nothing with your post except why you are in unbelief about the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Without faith we can not please God! If you do not believe what the scriptures say you will not manifest what the word says that you can.