Within the topic of, "How does God Save a soul", The New Birth, with the CONVICTION,
that the lost soul must "be lost", before they can, "be Saved",
i.e., brought to an understanding that they are condemned.
Then, an individual will have The Holy Spirit Born and Regenerated into their soul,
where The Divine Nature can decern other specifics Revealed by God, in His Word
(such as
Unconditional Election.)
Jesus left no doubt as to the indispensable necessity of the new birth as a
prerequisite to entrance into God's kingdom when He said to Nicodemus:
"Except one be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
kingdom of God"(John 3:5).
The new birth is necessary because-
(1) God's spiritual blessings are for His spiritual children only.
Rom. 8:16,17. Man by nature is not a spiritual child of God, though he is a
child naturally. Adam is called "the son of God" Luke 3:28). This sonship
was based, not on birth, nor on mere creation, but on the likeness that
inhered in the image of God in man.
That image was two-fold. Adam had a moral or spiritual likeness to God in
holiness. He had a natural likeness to God in personality.
For further discussion of these see chapter on "The Original State and Fall of Man." When man fell he lost the moral or spiritual likeness to God, and thus ceased to be a spiritual child of God. But he did not lose his personality, did not fall to the level of a brute, and thus he retained a natural basis of sonship. This explains Acts 17:28,29. Spiritually and morally man is a child of the Devil (John 8:44; 1 John 3:10), because he bears a spiritual and moral likeness to the Devil.
Thus he must be born again to inherit God's spiritual blessings, because these, as Rom. 8:16,17 clearly shows, are for none except His spiritual children.
(2) Man is spiritually dead and God's kingdom both here and hereafter is spiritual in nature. Rom. 5:12; Eph 2:1; Col. 2:13; 1 John 3:14.
The statement that man is spiritually dead means that man is, because of sin, devoid of divine spirit life; although he has natural spirit life. His spirit has lost all real affinity for God. He has no affection for God or spiritual things (Rom. 8:7,8).
He has no ability in spiritual things (Jer. 13:23; John 6:65). Hence there is nothing in man's nature that qualifies him for citizenship in a spiritual kingdom. One that is dead spiritually can no more inhabit a spiritual kingdom than one that is dead physically can inhabit a physical kingdom. Thus man must be born anew in order to enter God's kingdom.
(3) Being in God's kingdom implies submission to the rule of God
and man by nature is at enmity with God. Rom. 8:7,8.
God's kingdom is His rule over the hearts and lives of His saints.
To enter His kingdom, therefore, is to submit to His rule.
But man by nature cannot do that because he is at enmity against God.
The new birth is necessary in order that this enmity may be overcome.
http://www.ntslibrary.com/PDF Books II/Simmons - A Systematic Study of Bible Doctrine.pdf
Chapter 14 The Essential Elements of Human Nature
Chapter 15 The Moral Nature of Man
Chapter 16 The Original State and Fall of Man
Chapter 17 The Doctrine of Sin
Chapter 18 Human Responsibility
Chapter 19 The Free Agency of Man
Chapter 20 The Doctrine of Election
Chapter 21 The Doctrine of The Atonement
Chapter 22 The Outward and Inward Calls
Chapter 23 The New Birth
Chapter 24 The Doctrine of Conversion
Chapter 25 Repentance and Faith
Chapter 26 The Doctrine of Justification
Chapter 27 The Doctrine of Sanctification
Chapter 28 The Three Tenses of Salvation
Chapter 29 The Perseverance and Preservation of the Saved