EWF, I know its been a while since you were Catholic and you have many preconceived ideas from your own experience. But if I may assist you with this question. Most Catholics I know don't really have an interest in their own faith. They generally warm the pew so to speak. Have you ever availed yourself of Catholic training from your diocese? Why don't you find out whether I'm telling the truth? Call to speak with someone from your diocese to see what Catholics are teaching. I know in my area there is a concerted effort to get accurate Catholic teaching out focusing on the "marginal catholics". Just find out for yourself. Feel free to disagree but at least know rather than depend on past experiences.
Yes I have & Catholic dogma & intimidation are still rampant....and please do not refer to it as my diocese. Its nice to hear that you've found a bishop that will make a concerted effort to get accurate Catholic teaching out (now here is my sarcasm) but how long has it been ....because you have a well recorded history of corrupt practice & personnel, I remain skeptical.
I will PM you one recent story.....there are more but why go there.....this should be sufficient.