I would agree with your first sentence. Your second sentence is wrong. Let me flush out what we are talking about and because you lump a lot of consepts into one word I will use the appropriate words to get at the actual meaning. So when you say I say this is true but more specifically Justified. Catholics do teach this so you are wrong about that.
Catholics do not teach that a person is justified by faith alone. In fact they are adamant against this doctrine and hate it with an intense hatred.
From the Council of Trent:
Canon IX. If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining of the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema.
That makes it fairly clear, doesn't it. The Catholics don't, and have never believed in justification by faith alone. And yet here it is in the Bible:
Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
--Justified by faith alone.
According to the Council of Trent, I am cursed.
Works conform us and "save" us only in the sense that they conform us into the likeness of Christ not that they justify us by themselves.
Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean
thing, and all our righteousnesses
are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
--Your works can do nothing for you until you are justified by faith and faith alone. They are as filthy rags, only to be thrown away. God doesn't even consider them.
"There is none good; no not one."
Jeremiah 13:23 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?
then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
--You can no more do good before God, than a leopard can change his spots to stripes. It is impossible. You cannot do good, any good that God will accept, unless you are first justified by faith alone.
They do not. You cannot work to make God owe you salvation (Rom 4) but you can be conformed to the image of Christ (Rom 12).
You confuse apples with oranges.
A person must first be saved, and only then can he be conformed to the image of Christ. To be saved he is saved by faith alone--faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ as the only payment that will satisfy the demands of God for the penalty for his sin. Nothing else will do. Works fail. They fall short. God doesn't accept them. In fact, for that very reason God cannot give you salvation based on works because works cannot pay for something so priceless. Salvation is a free gift that is given and received by faith. There is no merit, no works that can attain it.
However, Faith does justify. Specificially what kind of faith the faith that acts in love. But all this is by the grace of God without which you couldn't even get to faith.
Grace was provided at the cross. That is the meaning in Eph.2:8,9. It refers to the grace that Christ provides at the cross. We must accept the sacrifice provided by him in grace, by faith and faith alone. It was his grace; his love.
No, here you are wrong. James doesn't agree with you. True Biblical Christianity is the only religion that God reaches down to us to bring us up to him. All others strive to climb their way up to God without him.
I am not wrong.
1. The person that denies eternal damnation of the wicked uses the Book of Ecclesiastes to prove his point, but he ignores the overall context of the book in so doing.
2. The person who believes that speaking in tongues is valid for today ignores chapters 12-14 of 1Corinthians. If one would read those chapters (esp.14) with an open mind, he would never come to the conclusion that tongues were for today. But the Scripture and the context are ignored.
3. The person wanting to ignore that salvation is by faith alone, also ignores the overall context of James 2, and like the others takes the Scripture out of its context. The book is not speaking about salvation; it is a book on practical Christian living.
James does agree with me. But I understand what James is talking about.
Christianity is the only religion that is built on faith alone and not on works. James would agree with that.
Yes. and might I add work alone. To appease God. Works for Catholics is a result of Grace given by Faith. Its cooperating with what God wants you to do because you love him. Not to make God owe us salvation.
This is the "damnable heresy" of the RCC. Salvation is a free gift of God. It cannot be earned or worked for (See Romans 6:23; Eph.2:8,9). It is not of works; not of cooperation. It is a gift; a free gift. It is not of works, cannot be earned. What you say is an insult to God; a slap on his face.
Look at what you suggest. Here is Christ, meek and mild--gentle Jesus, hanging on a cross, dying, paying the penalty for our sins. He is weak, so unseemly that he is unrecognizable because of the terrible beatings and scourgings that he has endured.
Now you think that you must cooperate and help him as he suffers. You must be baptized. That helps him a bit. You must be confirmed. That helps him some more (don't know how--superstitious magic I suppose); you go down all the sacraments and think that they help Jesus and somehow cooperate with him taking on the suffering that he did. That is utter blasphemy. In John 19:30, Jesus cried out: "It is finished." Salvation was finished, and you had no part or parcel in his sufferings or helping out in redemption although you claim it. You do not cooperate with God. God does not need or take any man's cooperation.
Salvation is all of God. For you to say that you cooperated with God in any way, shape or form is utter blasphemy. Jesus paid it all. He took the entire burden of all the sin of humanity upon himself. You did not lift one finger in cooperating with him. How dare you be so presumptuous!
Who will then act on that faith. Those who do not act on that faith are not saved. Just ask Jesus and James.
I know what James says, and the context in which he says it.
You are confused about, and sometimes I think deliberately so.
Again salvation is a free gift of God. See Rom.6:23.
Who will act on it. All who believe in Christ, that is who. There is no need to go around in circles here. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. It is straight forward. Believe--Have faith. It is fairly simple.
Nope this is just false. You never understood Catholicism even when you were Catholic.
I understood the RCC faith when I was Catholic.
I understood its history after I became a Christian, and could understand its doctrines from the light of the Bible after I became a Christian. There is more than one way to look at things.
When Constantine married Christianity to the state he introduced many pagan things. The result was Christianity paganized and paganism Christianized.
1 Cor 15:29 says differently.
In 1Cor.15:29 Paul refers to the practice of baptizing for the dead, but not in a good light. It was a pagan practice, much like the Mormons do today. It was not a Christian practice. This defeats your argument.