I have read your opinion. It makes no biblical sense.My claims are Scriptural. Thus, no need to apologize.
And God reconciled man to Himself. They were no longer enemies. That is the act of God, (2 Cor. 5:19), accomplished in Jesus Christ.
Strange statement you make. I have said you only address the individuals part at 'be ye reconciled to God'. You ignore Gods act of reconciling the world to Himself. (2 Cor. 5:19-20) The believer is to reconcile himself to God. But that is after God has already reconciled the world to Himself.
No, the 'one sinner at a time' is the individual reconciling himself to God. Again, you ignore God's reconciling the world.
Every way I look at your proposition it ultimately comes up as merit-based salvation, like Van teaches. It's interesting then that both you two teach a merit-based system, yet your system is still at odds with one another.