If God does not allow man to sin, is all the evil in this world something that God is incapable of stopping? Is God so weak as to not hold back rebellion against him?God does not allow man to sin. All Calvinist wish to blame God for there sins. An allowance is an endorsement. God approved.The God I worship does not sin.
MB, all sin is done because of man's rebellion against God.
If God did not mercifully allow humans to be in rebellion (sin, break God's law) then humanity would no longer exist. We all would be exterminated and dwelling in hell at this very moment.
You make a false statement. You say "Allowance is endorsement." That is false. When I walk by a person shooting up heroin and allow him to keep shooting up, I am not endorsing heroin use. I am allowing that person to do that which is against the law and letting that person suffer the consequences. I am not sinning by allowing this junkie to shoot up.
MB, you are confused, which explains why you cannot grasp what Reformed theology teaches. You think allowing sin to take place is endorsement of sin. No Reformed Christian holds that view. You are the only one making that claim.