I Never Liked Having More than One Service....
Is it a good and Biblically sound practice to divide a church into two services based ONLY on the desire to have two different music styles (one Traditional, one Contemporary)? This is assuming there is not a need to do this based on running out of space in the sanctuary, or any reason like that.
....regardless of the reasons, because in my mind, it promotes and develops two, or more congregations in the church. We have two services, for the music reason, and every time I go to an "all church" functions; I can clearly see folks sitting at a table with the folks from the service they go to. I also get tired of being seen as a visitor by those from the other service.
It is my opinion that when a church grows to the size of needing more than one service, they should simply plant another church, and funnel the members off into the new church.
I know my opinion will be hit with naysayers, so let me say one more time....this is merely my opinion as a pastor. I prefer a smaller church atmosphere in contrast to the mega, multi service churches that are popping up everywhere today.