Actually, the original topic was the 21st Century KJV, not your rabbit trail.I see two more off topic posts, nitpicking and claiming the idiom was not an idiom. No mention of the actual topic, literal translation coupled with footnotes to explain where the literal meaning is not the intended message. For example, "break the arm" idiomatic meaning "break the strength."
Now another of your errors is assuming that "idiomatic" (an adjective) means the same as "idiom" (a noun). They are not the same. An "idiomatic" rendering is not the rendering of an idiom. Here is a definition: "idiomatic Peculiar to a language" (Mario Pei and Frank Gaynor, Dictionary of Linguistics, p. 96). Nida equates the word with "natural" in his book with Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation. (Have you read that one?)
If you are going to pose on the BB as a translation expert, the least you could do is get your definitions right. It reminds me of the time back when I used the term "translation by concordance" on the BB, and you jumped on that and began using it in your posts.