I taught myself enough Greek to know that "it's Greek to me".
I've never taken a college-level course in Greek...and never will.
The little knowledge I've picked up in books provides me with just enough Greek to follow scholarly arguments and not much more,
I've enjoyed reading quite a variety of books on the topic and have gathered a few texts.
I've developed an opinion but it is based upon what I have read, not upon my own research, therefore my opinions are really second-hand opinions.
There are people here on the BB that I disagree with but I still consider them friends.
And I have close friends that hold opinions that differ quite a bit from mine.
We fellowship together and even study the Scriptures together.
We value each others insights into the texts we study.
There are times when I hold my tongue when a doctrinal difference pops up - it's never a big thing.
I would NEVER tell them that their version is not God's Word simply because it differs from mine; that would be egotistical!
God has given us what we need.
He chose to have imperfect people to preserve his word as best as they could.
Most of the text of Scripture that we hold in our hands is established.
Those portions that might be in dispute are few and of little concern.
It's hard enough to follow those portions of Scripture that we are certain of, (just make sure that it's done genomenou supper and not ginomenou supper).
The highly educated scholars will continue to form theories and debate these things among themselves
I've never taken a college-level course in Greek...and never will.
The little knowledge I've picked up in books provides me with just enough Greek to follow scholarly arguments and not much more,
I've enjoyed reading quite a variety of books on the topic and have gathered a few texts.
I've developed an opinion but it is based upon what I have read, not upon my own research, therefore my opinions are really second-hand opinions.
There are people here on the BB that I disagree with but I still consider them friends.
And I have close friends that hold opinions that differ quite a bit from mine.
We fellowship together and even study the Scriptures together.
We value each others insights into the texts we study.
There are times when I hold my tongue when a doctrinal difference pops up - it's never a big thing.
I would NEVER tell them that their version is not God's Word simply because it differs from mine; that would be egotistical!
God has given us what we need.
He chose to have imperfect people to preserve his word as best as they could.
Most of the text of Scripture that we hold in our hands is established.
Those portions that might be in dispute are few and of little concern.
It's hard enough to follow those portions of Scripture that we are certain of, (just make sure that it's done genomenou supper and not ginomenou supper).
The highly educated scholars will continue to form theories and debate these things among themselves
but I believe their conclusions will be much like what we've seen this thread,
Robquestionable, indecisive and indeterminate quarreling.