We are individually given to the Son by the Father. Read the book of John. We were chosen before the Foundation of the World (note, that is not the foundation of the New Covenant) Ephesians 1:4. Where do you get this target group nonsense as if it is a fishing net just cast and see who ends up in it? Does God not know who He has chosen? Of course He knows. And guess what, it was not based on Him looking down a tunnel of time to see who might believe. Romans 8 and 9 blows that theory sky high. No, he chose us individually to give to the Son based on His own pleasure to bring glory to Himself. He has mercy on whom He has mercy.
1) Yes we are individually given to the Son, John 6:37. That is not in dispute. The Election of Ephesians 1:4 did not give anyone to Christ, it was a corporate election. That is what you are disputing.
2) No one said the Election of Ephesians 1:4 was from the beginning of the New Covenant. This not in dispute, but rather a strawman argument to muddy the water.
3) No one said the corporate election was a fishing net cast to see who ends up in it. It was the target group of God's redemption plan, formulated before creation.
4) God knows those He has individually chosen based on crediting their faith as righteousness.
5) Did anyone say God looked down the tunnel of time? Nope, yet another strawman, demonstrating a lack of understanding the view he is opposing.
6) The entire bible blows your assertion out of the water. See anyone can make these generalizations.
7) Yes, God chose us individually to give to the Son. This is not in dispute. The timing and basis of the selection is in dispute. God chose us during our lifetime, after we had lived not as a people chosen for God's own possession, on the basis of crediting our faith as righteousness.
8) Yes God has mercy on whom He has mercy, this is not in dispute, so another strawman.