As stated before, I am not a ''Trumper''. I haven't voted for him in any primary election. I have voted for him in the general election, and will do so again. Simply to preserve the republic that the left seems so bent on destroying, (he's the only hope I see right now). Every time we here in this country loose personal liberties and freedoms it's at the hands and signatures of the left. Think about this, you can vote in communism, but you can't vote it out.
What I have witnessed over the past eight years or so is a man, (like him or not) being persecuted relentlessly by the left and by doing so have granted powers to alphabet agencies to invent laws at their whim that need to be reserved to congress to implement. Alphabet agencies are NOT in place to make laws! Not the ATF, Not the FBI, Not the SS, or EPA...NONE of them! Yet under the left, these power hungry clowns do just that! The result? Too many times due to over-reach, incompetence, and just plain BULLYING. These agencies under the left leave a trail of dead Americans and are not held accountable for their actions. They're power hungry puppets, empowered by the left to do the left's bidding.
Don't like our Bill of Rights? Don't like you're personal freedoms? Want the goobermint to make your choices? Then go ahead and cast your vote for the kackle-bot!
As for myself, I will not betray the Lord Jesus Christ. I will not give up my freedom! I will not give up my arms! I'll vote for Trump again, felon or not!