You claimed Indians were nice to each other. Thats baloney. My question was not off topic.
Back to the hatred on this thread from you and zaac. So you won't say the Holy Spirit is enough to convict, and the Blood of Christ is enough to forgive ? The only way to forgiveness is to listen to the viewpoint of another race ? Thats what the article claims. Quite on-topic.
Answer it. Its even rational.
The quote is about how that particular Indian viewed White folk ... not about his view of war or peace within the tribes. Nice try to derail the thread, but I won't go down that rabbit track. In face, I made no comment on the OP. Just the quote from Black Elk. There is nothing in the quote about war or peace among Indians. There is no mention of war or peace between Indians and Whites. There is a comment on how he views the greed of Whites and how they treat each other badly. And, of course, he was speaking of how people within his own tribe interacted with each other.
Do you feel he has a point?
In case you forgot the quote I pasted it below. Read and comprehend.

Try to comprehend the subject of threads and reply calmly and rationally to that topic. Please stop trying to derail threads. Thanks.
Signing off for tonight. Time to get ready to "hit the hay".