I can see by the responses that either the "spiritual men" of this forum don't want to offend the women, or the women are joyfully filled with pride at usurping the authority of the home and men of the church. I wonder if they even share the popcorn with the men.
...Popcorn? I'm sorry, I'm not following the popcorn arguement. My wife shares the popcorn.
What is the matter with declaring what the scriptures teach on this matter?
Nothing, but you have yet to provide any scripture for your positions.
If a woman has a problem, question, or statement; she is to express it to her husband in the home. A woman is ALWAYS under the authority of a man (why the woman is “given” in marriage and a man is not). The unmarried woman should go to the authority over her living to seek and express.
Again, what about the passages teaching a woman to pray or prophesy with her head covered?
I Cor. 11:11 However, in the Lord, neither is woman [j]independent of man, nor is man [k]independent of woman. 12 For as the woman [l]originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things [m]originate from God. 13 Judge [n]for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered?
I know the head covering brings up other issues, which we may or may not get to, but it seems women were allowed to speak, if their heads were covered. We cannot simply ignore these passages and only focus on those that seem to prohibit all speaking.
In the church, and by extension the public, the woman is to keep silent. By speaking through a single voice, the home then presents a united front.
I will agree that neither husband nor wife should voice criticisms of leadership in public ways unless ALL private avenues of correction have been exhausted. Also, neither should spout off criticism of church leadership without consulting their spouse, so that they can present a united front if the need fro public rebuke arises.
If this is not scripturally correct, then show by what scriptural authority the women of the modern church present themselves as soloists (for women are allowed to sing in groups) and or as teachers of men, rather than shamefaced, not wearing any jewelry, and silent.
I refer you again the women who prophesied and prayed in the N.T.
I find it curious that you have somehow managed to find scriptural warrant for women to sing in groups, but not one single woman. Where in scripture is this?