It seems you know nothing of the attributes of God.You would do well to study the communicable and incommunicable attributes of the God you profess to love and serve in spirit and truth.
As Dave Hunt sums it up in his book, "What Love is This?
Five times in the New Testament, Christ commands us, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” (Mat.19:19, etc.). Paul twice, and James once, reiterate this command that one must love one’s neighbor as oneself (Rom.13:9; Gal.5:14; Jam.2:8). Christ makes it clear that everyone who is in need is one’s neighbor (Luke 10:29-37). Surely none are in greater need than the lost. Yet Calvinism tells us that the God who “is love,” and who “so loved the world” and sent His Son “that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:17)—even though He could save all—damns billions for His “good pleasure” and to prove His justice. Aghast at such doctrine, one can only repeat in astonishment, What Love Is This?