I concluded that you are anti American
@robustheologian is not anti-American, he is anti-status quo American. I can't blame him for that.
Consider all of these posts talking about how much America was, in the past, based on Christian values. Then consider that those values were manifested in racism - the KKK and Black Panther rallies of the 70's, discrimination against mixed marriages......and before that Black water fountains, White restaurants, lynchings.....and before that slavery.
Consider now that many believe two and a half centuries of overt racism was instantly cured by the stroke of a pen.
I disagree with
@robustheologian not because I doubt his loyalty or his assessment of the GOP. I disagree with him because I do not believe he sees the sin of his own party.
But he is not anti-American. (He may be anti-some people's idea of America, and he may be right).