Hey Icon.JonC,
Hello JonC,
I think we have to remember that God's kingdom and the powers of this world are at odds. They work in opposition to one another.
I do understand why it would be desirable for Christians to be in secular power. I an grateful we have secular leaders. I can assume God put many of these Christians in those roles.
I believe the purpose for Christians being in roles of secular influence is to bear witness to the gospel (not to make the World a moral place).
But I also believe it is a matter of individual obedience. I am retired Army which some would consider anti-Christian. I am not arguing to condemn others, or to judge their roles. I am, however, arguing (strongly) my own beliefs and convictions.
You ask "can it be both?". I think this depends on the purpose. If we are participating in these worldly powers by becoming a part of the World or in an attempt to make the World godly then I would say "no". True morality has Christ as its Center.
BUT if we are participating to demonstrate the love of God, to be witnesses of Christ, to share the gospel....and that be what makes the world around us a better place (people being added to the Kingdom) then perhaps it can be both.
I lean more to the Early Church and Anabaptists on this topic. I did not always. But the more I look at politics the more I see corruption and futility.
I wonder if political involvement can be a stumbling block to our witness as well.
These are just things each person should consider and follow their own conscious. I will say and argue that I believe Christians should withdraw from the political arena.....but I would never try to prevent one from following their convictions (that is between them and God).