I have not changed my position on this.Was Adam born with spiritual life before the fall?
This is not the issue.We are speaking of Adam prefall.
Are you saying he had a spirit that was not alive?
This vaguely worded statement does not get it done.In what exact way did spiritual death become a reality?
Did Adam have spiritual life, that died on that day?
In what exact way did it become a reality for ADAM?
How was the relationship between God and Adam severed?
What do you mean by cast out of God's presence?
Adams physical death would be certain...what died in that day as God told Him would happen?
Have you changed your view since Biblicist and Martin called you on this?
The discussions you are pulling from are a little over your head.
On the day Adam sinned that sin separated Adam from God and that state became a reality for all mankind. Physical death became certain as well (these are not unrelated) and became a reality for all mankind.
My argument was about spiritual life as relational vs ontological. It involves how life is defined and abiding vs indwelling, the old being viewed as right vs a new creation.
Again, I am right here and will tell you what I believe. You do not need to assume or decontextualize past statements to guess.
Stop trying to tell me and others what I believe. I do not do that to you and it is dishonest of you to do that with others.