A young man became saved and began attending a church in our city. Young man was homosexual. Young man was trying to leave that life behind. Young man did a pretty good job of it. Stayed away from it for a long, long time. Despite that, he suffered the hatred and ridicule that is seen in this thread.
After awhile the man just seemed to vanish. Stopped talking about God. Stopped talking about the bible. So, a Christian coworker who cared said, "Hey, how are you? Would you like to join me in a bible study?"
The man responded, "Why? So a bunch of people who talk about love can tell me how much they hate me?"
SO, the coworker said, "What happened?"
The man said, "I found out that so-called-Christian love is just another word for gay-bashing. It doesn't matter to you people if someone has stopped sinning, or tried to stop sinning. You'll never let them forget. Never encourage them. You don't want me with men, but you sure as h*** don't want me with your daughters. You don't want me sitting next to you, and you don't think I deserve your prayers."
So - the coworker said, "I'm sorry you had that experience, that isn't Christ like at all."
The man said, "I know. That's why I follow Christ, but I'm not a Christian."
ANOTHER True Story:
A woman I work with was openly hostile to me for several days. I asked someone why, they said, "She saw all the bible stuff in your office." I said, "Is she athiest?" I was told, "No, she had a bad experience with religious people. She's gay." I said, "Oh."
I continued to be nice to her. When her partner became ill I said, "I'll say a prayer for her."
Her mouth fell open. "What did you say?"
I said, "I said I'll say a prayer for her."
She said, "Seriously?" I said, "Yeah, seriously." I over heard her later telling another coworker, "That's the first time a Christian ever cared about a gay enough to pray."
PEOPLE- How can you teach of the love of Christ when all you do is hate?