Do you believe that spiritual forces, God and satan, were involved in the creation of Christian America? If so, how?
Do you believe spiritual forces were involved in the Holocaust and efforts to exterminate the Jews? If so, how?
Do you believe spiritual forces were involved in the defeat of Germany and the founding of the Jewish state? If so, how?
I believe spiritual forces are always involved when we speak of things like secular ideologies, worldviews, and politics.
God sets up and removes governments (to include America, England, and Germany) for His purposes.
Men are blinded by the secular narratives in which they live. That is how you end up with men of character and faith (like Whitefield and Washington) advocating slavery. That is how evils like abortion and the DNC exists even in Christian populations. And that is how the Holocaust occured within a nation comprised largely of Christians.
When you stand is it for Christ or against people (these are not the same although they may appear so to the World)?
When it comes to politics is your identity Christian or Republican (where are your loyalties)?
I ask because sometimes it seems you take offense at any criticism of the Republican party as if the GOP the Church. It may be you simply separate faith and politics (as many do). Or perhaps there are other reasons. Tge reason I reach this conclusion is evidenced on this thread (your responses, tge amount of responses, and my initial comment).
As a reminder to the forum - I agreed with Cruz's comments in his first questioning but not tge format (I thought it was wrong to use the hearing as a stage to attack the DNC rather than address the candidate bring confirmed).