He chose us in Him is a much debated phrase from Ephesians 1:4. Nobody argues that the one doing the choosing is God and those being chosen are those who are presently “in Christ.”
One of the questions is:: How did God chose us in Him? Individually or corporately?
Certainly anyone who is “in Christ” was put there individually. So either God chose “us” twice, once corporately and once individually, or He chose us twice individually, which is absurd.
Individually we are members of Christ’s body, but collectively, corporately we are His body. Therefore Christ’s election in effect corporately elected His body, the bride of Christ, the church. The construction, us in Him puts Christ as the foundation of our election, hence the Redeemer/those redeemed as parallel elections.
He chose is in the middle voice indicating God chose Himself or chose something for His benefit. Thus we are chosen for His own possession.
Calvinists deny individual election during our lifetime. They say James 2:5 does not mean God chose folks who were rich in faith, keeping His promise to those who love Him. But that is exactly what it means. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 also addresses temporal election. Ditto for 2 Thessalonians 2:13 where we were chosen through faith in the truth.
Now the “us” is a plural pronoun, so Paul’s use of the plural pronoun points to a corporate rather than an individual election.
Some argue that the election cannot be corporate because no communities exist. But neither do we exist as individuals before creation. So that argument is simply absurd
The choice was with reference to Christ, but opinions differ as to exactly what is being said. Some say, before the foundation of the world, we were chosen individually and put into Christ. But if we were “in Christ” before we were conceived, then we would not have been “children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3). So that dog will not hunt.
We do know that Christ was chosen to be God’s lamb before the foundation of the world, because 1 Peter 1:20 says Christ was foreknown as the Lamb before the foundation of the world. Therefore when Christ was chosen to be God’s Redeemer, those Christ would redeem were chosen corporately. You do not choose a Redeemer without a plan of redemption. Hence the reference appears to be He chose us [corporately as the group to be redeemed – the target group of His redemption plan] in Him” - meaning when He was chosen as Redeemer.
This is the only view of Election that is consistent with all scripture.
One of the questions is:: How did God chose us in Him? Individually or corporately?
Certainly anyone who is “in Christ” was put there individually. So either God chose “us” twice, once corporately and once individually, or He chose us twice individually, which is absurd.
Individually we are members of Christ’s body, but collectively, corporately we are His body. Therefore Christ’s election in effect corporately elected His body, the bride of Christ, the church. The construction, us in Him puts Christ as the foundation of our election, hence the Redeemer/those redeemed as parallel elections.
He chose is in the middle voice indicating God chose Himself or chose something for His benefit. Thus we are chosen for His own possession.
Calvinists deny individual election during our lifetime. They say James 2:5 does not mean God chose folks who were rich in faith, keeping His promise to those who love Him. But that is exactly what it means. 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 also addresses temporal election. Ditto for 2 Thessalonians 2:13 where we were chosen through faith in the truth.
Now the “us” is a plural pronoun, so Paul’s use of the plural pronoun points to a corporate rather than an individual election.
Some argue that the election cannot be corporate because no communities exist. But neither do we exist as individuals before creation. So that argument is simply absurd
The choice was with reference to Christ, but opinions differ as to exactly what is being said. Some say, before the foundation of the world, we were chosen individually and put into Christ. But if we were “in Christ” before we were conceived, then we would not have been “children of wrath” (Ephesians 2:3). So that dog will not hunt.
We do know that Christ was chosen to be God’s lamb before the foundation of the world, because 1 Peter 1:20 says Christ was foreknown as the Lamb before the foundation of the world. Therefore when Christ was chosen to be God’s Redeemer, those Christ would redeem were chosen corporately. You do not choose a Redeemer without a plan of redemption. Hence the reference appears to be He chose us [corporately as the group to be redeemed – the target group of His redemption plan] in Him” - meaning when He was chosen as Redeemer.
This is the only view of Election that is consistent with all scripture.
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