Part 2
Again, you have demonstrated nothing of how the Greek grammar does anything. I suspect this is due to your own admission of not knowing Greek.
And, for the record, I have never misrepresented you nor edited a remark. If you will notice, every reply I make—even when I do truncate the original posting for the sake of space (especially when I am not responding point-by-point)—is made with the link to the original.
So, again, a baseless, intentionally false charge on your part.
Yes, I omitted “in Him” because—as the indirect object—it was superfluous to the argument at hand—the argument being, all along, that Ephesians 1:4 does not and cannot be taken to mean that God chose Christ before the foundation of the world.
Now, I do believe (and you see this in other passages) that God did, indeed, choose Christ. However, you are wanting to say that Ephesians 1:4 says that God chose Christ because you believe in this nonsense idea that election occurs in our own lifetime when Ephesians 1:4 says God’s choice happened “before the foundation of the world.” And, I might add, that election of “us” before the foundation of the world is true whether the “us” is individual and not corporate or corporate and not individual.
Either way, you will never be right to appeal to this passage to support your nonsensical idea.
Prove you’re wrong? I’ve done that at every turn.
Calvinists do present arguments (as Arminians do) based on our readings. But, I’m not talking about that—and, I suspect you know that.
No, you repeatedly make claims that “the Greek supports [your] position.” Since you know no Greek (again, by your own admission) how do you know the Greek supports your position?
Only two possibilities exist: 1.) You have read someone’s writings that you have adopted for your own (though probably not verbatim) and you are relying on them for all your Greek information. Or 2.) You are simply making a claim for which you have no substantiation.
So, when we ask you to post your source (again, because you can’t argue the Greek yourself), we want to know who the crack-pot is who is saying things like the middle voice in Ephesians 1:4 means that God chose Himself.
The onus is on you to prove your case.
This is a falsehood. Here, for your information, is what
you posted:
What you appear unable to grasp is that Ephesians 1:4 does not refer to God choosing Christ and it cannot refer to God choosing Christ.
And, by the way, do you even know what QED means?
Again, you are changing the issue. If you have read the previous posts, you will know that the issue is not corporate vs. individual election. The issue is that you want to say that Ephesians 1:4 says that God chose Christ, and not individuals or the Church.
You may call me whatever name or ascribe to me whatever dubious things float your boat. However, in the end, as all I’m sure can see, you are only further indicting yourself.
Perhaps the words of Mark Twain could be of help to you: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
The Archangel