Actually, all of the 120 at Pentecost were baptized into the Holy Spirit, as well as conversions since that time. If you have not been baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ, you are not in Christ at all (1 Corinthians 12:13).Only the 12 and Paul received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and worked miracles.
Moreover, many people like Philip the deacon performed miracles, for instance, see Acts 8:4-8. Miracles were NOT limited to apostles.
The Samaritans did not receive the Spirit until some of the apostles who had previously wanted to cast down fire on them (Luke 9:54) heard that Samaritans had received the gospel. The apostles needed to see for themselves that such a thing was possible. So God waited until they were there to lay hands on the Samaritans to see for themselves that the Spirit validated their true belief. Normally, God does not wait for that, we receive the Spirit when we believe, because He normally doesn't need to convince His missionaries (apostles) that conversions are valid.Also the few they laid hands on. The gentiles had the baptism some 7 years later in their outpouring in Peter's presence.
Actually, if you look carefully at Acts 8:17-18, it states that "they" (Peter and John) were laying hands on the Samaritans, and Simon noticed that the giving of the Spirit occurred through the hand of the apostles (plural).But only one of the 12 or Paul is said to pass the baptism and gifts through their hands.
So it wasn't just Peter.
This demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the manifestations ("sign gifts") of the Holy Spirit. The apostles did not have it within themselves to heal anyone. For that matter, neither did Jesus (read John 4:19-21 and then Matthew 13:58 and Mark 6:5). Healings, and all other manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and empowered and channeled through willing people according to the will of God. They are only under the 'control' of the person channeling God's power when, in God's wisdom, it would be helpful to God's work.The gifts began dwindling in the epistles where Paul could no longer heal sick comrades.
So Paul's inability to heal Timothy or other friends/companions says nothing about "gifts dwindling" (really?).
I agree.All believers since Pentecost have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and can seek healing through the prayer of faith.