Wow, go away for a few hours and a riot erupts! :tongue3:
Thanks to HoS, Webdog, and Thomas for their support, I appreciate that. :thumbsup:
I don't worry about Icon, he is a puppet. I do not say that as an insult, it is simply true. His mind has been conditioned and trained by continuously listening to Reformed teachers and preachers. Anybody who does that will believe exactly as he does. Anybody can easily see nearly every Calvinist will present the same scriptures (Psa 51:5, Psa 58:3, Rom 5:12, Rom 6:23, etc...) over and over. They are just like Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses who have had certain proof texts drilled into their head so much and so often, they actually cannot see any other point of view. It is a REAL BLINDNESS.
So, it takes time. You have to show them scripture that refutes their view (and there is VOLUMES) over and over. Most will never get it, but those who truly want to know truth in time will see. That is the best you can do.
Romans 3:23 simply says all have sinned. It simply means all men everywhere have sinned and come short of the glory of God. As HoS said, Adam is not even mentioned, Calvinists read that into scripture.
That said, scripture is speaking of adults, not unborn or newborn babies. Paul directly says that Esau and Jacob had done no evil in their mother's womb (Rom 9:11). So, when the scriptures say all have sinned, it is speaking of persons who have matured and understand right from wrong, not unborn or very young children.
Sin is not something you can inherit, sin is something you do. You cannot inherit sin, especially someone else's sin. Anybody that believes that is an idiot. The 18th chapter of Ezekiel directly deals with this subject and says the soul that sins (not being conceived or born) shall die, and that the son shall not bear the iniquity of his father or vice versa.
But guys like Icon do not listen to scripture, they believe creeds written by men.