Your hermeneutics are too good to believe that.
Maybe they aren't...I have no formal Theological training in such things. I have not been trained in "hermeneutics" as such. I wish I had, and I hope to one day, but I often find him convincing....I actually do. I know that bothers you, because I'm not going to pretend that I am not a smart guy....I am (and it isn't pride to recognize that).
Maybe I find him convincing largely because much of the opposition which actually debates him posts such comparably bad arguments...
I actually DO find Winman convincing. It is certainly possible that part of the reason is that Many if not MOST of those who rejoinder him have such weak arguments...I can only compare the two. You must admit that I could probably make a better case for Calvinism than most of the loudest adherents of the doctrine on this board usually do.
But, I honestly don't really know that my Hermeneutics are too good to believe that. I am willing to learn.
Winman thinks he should be heard for his much scripture quoting- as if that means ANYTHING.
It isn't the sheer "volume" of his Scripture quoting he appeals to. I honestly think you mis-judge him. He perceives a holistic doctrinal Sciptural point as much as you do. It DOES make sense to him. If he is wrong...than, frankly, you should see as well as I do, that his detractors have not yet made a
particularly powerful case yet. (Not on this thread anyway).
Honestly, it wasn't 4 months ago...that I said in Sunday School to the class I was teaching this classic:
You aren't a sinner because you sin, you sin, because you are a sinner"... (end-quote)
I was raised to believe that, and always have, but I don't see that in Scripture. And those who adhere to it, at least thus far on this thread....have not been particularly convincing. I am sure you would see this if you read the wouldn't merely "thumb's-up" :thumbsup: every moronic statement which supports your position (which is why I actually would listen to you, and take you seriously).
One passage rightly divided and presented in its proper context soundly exegeted is worth infinitely more than ten thousand proof text quotes.
Absolutely it is...perhaps you need to jump in some. I'm convincable really; i believed in what I am calling "Original-Guilt" only some few months ago, and had all my life...I just don't see it in Scripture anymore. But, your
compadres are OBVIOUSLY not helping you out here. Not on this thread.
I have RARELY seen Winman use a passage properly.
Maybe...but he is an honest man who truly takes the Scriptures at heart to the best of his knowledge...I will not deny him that. Some of us may be clouded by "much learning"...I might easily be...perhaps most of us are. I doubt you would deny that some certain nameless Calvinists are, at minimum, educated beyond their intelligence no?
But I will not lambast his simple faith in the Scriptures understood to the best of his knowledge. I will give him that, and, yes, I respect it.