It is regrettable that so many people believe hagiography that agrees with their preconceived notions. What the medieval Waldenses believed and practiced is colored by later Protestant authors to prove that Protestantism, far from being a novelty, reached back to the third or fourth century.
The truth is that such "scholarship" occurred late, and when Protestant Europe sought the patina of ancient usage among the Waldenses to bolster their case against the Catholics.
The truth is that the Waldenses disagreed (with good reason) with some Latin Rite practices, but would not be recognizable as "Protestants" until the Reformation promised relief from their persecution and they adopted Reformed theology, either of the Zwinglian or Calvinistic kind.
Many of the "histories" compiled thus are at odds with the documentary record and essentially were propaganda in the religious wars that wracked Europe.
The truth is that such "scholarship" occurred late, and when Protestant Europe sought the patina of ancient usage among the Waldenses to bolster their case against the Catholics.
The truth is that the Waldenses disagreed (with good reason) with some Latin Rite practices, but would not be recognizable as "Protestants" until the Reformation promised relief from their persecution and they adopted Reformed theology, either of the Zwinglian or Calvinistic kind.
Many of the "histories" compiled thus are at odds with the documentary record and essentially were propaganda in the religious wars that wracked Europe.