No, you just tried to make me say something I did not.Right, Providence is not a miracle because it is not instantaneous.
I did not misquote you.
Every single NT miracle was instantaneous. Every single OT miracle was instantaneous. However, the many examples of Providence in the Bible were not referred to in Scripture as miraculous: Noah preparing for the flood, Moses being prepared for leadership, Joseph being prepared for leadership, God preparing the way for David to be king, etc., etc.You want the fast only to be miraculous but not the slow.
From Strong's Systematic Theology:
"Providence is that continuous agency of God by which he makes all the events of the physical and moral universe fulfill the original design with which he created it" (Strong, p. 419).
"A miracle is an event palpable to the senses, produced for a religious purpose by the immediate agency of God; an event therefore which, though not contravening any law of nature, the laws of nature, if fully known, would not without this agency of God be competent to explain" (Strong, 117).