By the way,
> . . . "The Law (I take, of "the 10 Commandments") is for the TRANSGRESSORS" of it . . .
In the same way that the speed limit is for the people who drive over the speed limit. I'm not impressed.
So in this case you would argue that the 4th commandment was made for Sabbath breakers?
I don't see how that is helping your argument.
Then a person who does the 10 things is regenerate even if he never heard of Jesus? I agree!
Though it is not "likely" that they do not use images, or know about the 7th day Sabbath of Christ the Creator in that case.
Billwald said:
Every person except Jesus in this world is a sinner
That part is true.
But Paul argues that "What MATTERs is keeping the commandments of God" in 1Cor 7:19.
In 1John 2 - John says that the one who claims to know Christ SHOULD Keep His commandments -- if that person does not WALK as Christ walked - John says their claim to know Christ is false.
In 1Cor 10 Paul clearly states that "no TEMPTATION has overtaken you but such as is common to man and God is FAITHFUL who will not ALLOW you to be tempted beyond that which you are able".
In Romans 6 - Paul argues that the one who claims to still be the "slave of sin" is in fact - servant to sin and not servant to Christ.
You are not a sinner? Didn't your mother ever tell you you can go to Hell for lying? <G>
If the Christian life is one of non-stop sinning as you seem to have claimed - then non-stop lying is good Christian conduct by the rule you have laid out.
Truly in that model it would have been difficult for two Christians to have a meaningful conversation on any topic - much less the law of God.
You are confused. St Paul wrote:
Romans 2:6 God "will give to each person according to what he has done."[a] 7To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.
I did not expect to find that coming from your argument!
Notice that in Romans 2 - you have the contrast of TWO groups - the saved and the lost.
In Romans 2:11-16 we find
1. It is not the HEARERS of the Law that are JUST before God but the DOERS of the Law WILL be JUSTIFIED Rom 2:13
2. Even those with no access to the Bible are judged as spiritually circumcised Jews -- judged to be saved - in that they "show the work of the Law written on their heart". Rom 2:15
3. There is a future day of judgment when "according to my Gospel God will judge the secrets of all mankind" Rom 2:16
See, nothing about Jesus. Those who work at being a good neighbor are regenerate.
Thus in James 2 James says that we are to live and walk as those who ARE to be judged by the Ten Commandments - the "Law of Liberty".
In Eph 6:1-2 Paul says that in that Ten Commandment unit - the 5th commandment is the "first commandment with a promise".
The Jer 31:31 New Covenant writes the LAW of God on the tablets of the human heart as promised in Deut 6:6 according to the complete statement of the New Covenant outlined in Hebrews 8.
In Ps 40:8 that New Covenant "condition" of the heart is claimed by David.
>"Why didn't the Jerusalem Council instruct Paul to impose the 10 Commandments upon gentile Christians?" BECAUSE NOBODY HAD TO! For it says there, "James answered .... I have decided .... that we (the Council) write to them .... (to) the Gentiles TURNED TO GOD .... GOD unto (whom) are known all his works FROM THE BEGINNING of the world ...."; "that we write to THEM (the Gentiles TURNED TO GOD) because Moses ever since has had in every city preachers, (Moses, i.e. the Old Testament and ONLY Scriptures / Law then) BEING READ in the CHURCHES (where those Gentiles converted to GOD, worshipped) EVERY SABBATH DAY."
OK, then why did the Jerusalem Council give ANY instructions to Paul and his gentiles?
In Eph 2 and in Acts 15:1 the argument is made that some Jewish Christians were claiming that Gentiles had to become Jews to be saved.
But in Acts 15 the Apostles declare that all that is needed to acceptance of "the scriptures" (the O.T text as the Word of God) and worship of the One True God.
Circumcision was code for "convert to Judaism" as we see in Ephesians 2.
Notice that in Acts 15 the gentiles are told to abstain from meat offerred to idols (something Paul objects to later) and to abstain from meat that has blood still in it (a Levitical restriction on food) - and from fornication.
It is stated that they do not need to be circumcised - do not need to practice all the rituals pertaining to Jewish Christians.
Then immediately - in Acts 16 -- Paul instructs Timothy to be circumcised.
The issue in Acts 15 was not that "you are lost if you are circumcised after becoming a Christian" -- obviously.
The issue is that there is no such requirement as converting to Judaism - as a necessary step in being saved -- especially if one is a gentile to start with.
In 1Cor 7:19 Paul states clearly that circumcision is off the table for gentiles YET there he is quick to add that - what still matters for gentiles is "
keeping the commandments of God".
So it is not too surprising that D.L.Moody and Charles Stanley both argue that the 4th commandment is still binding upon all Christians.
in Christ,