Matt, I really wish you would have let this eyesore of a thread get buried.
No; what this thread TURNED INTO was
- several people venting their gripes about Catholicism and any similar religious system, and often using `undiplomatic' word choices and delivery methods.
- people reasonably offended responding.
It was nothing better than that.
In my opinion, this thread should never have been started. There are people here who deeply dislike Catholicism, and some hate the religious system so much they hope adherence to any part of it is punished by Hell. There are people here who are addicted to venting their dislikes of Catholicism and/or Catholics. No matter what the subject and intended topic, threads like this always get hijacked by these people to indulge their addiction.
No, I cannot. I cannot imagine Him saying `I know you believed on Me, submitted to Me as Lord, and appealed to Me for your salvation, but you went to the wrong place on Sunday mornings, so depart from Me.' From what I read in Scripture, there is no possibility of that.
The question of this thread was NOT `Can someone buy into the entirety of Orthodox or Catholic precepts and be saved?' That is a whole other matter than what this thread's intended topic was.
The question of this thread WAS "Are there Catholics and Orthodox that are practicing and saved?" If a person has primary church attendance there, and attends church meetings regularly, s/he is still considered "practicing" even if s/he does not agree with what is taught.
Here is what the Bible says of Jesus Christ at Acts 10:43 "every one that believeth on him |receives| remission of sins" (ASV|ESV|ASV).
If a person who becomes a believer on Jesus Christ
- stays in a Catholic congregation or Orthodox congregation, and
- is not convinced that s/he has any real reason to leave
I think the Bible requires us to assume that the believer on Jesus Christ is saved.
Acts 10:43 "every one that believeth on him |receives| remission of sins" (ASV|ESV|ASV). I do not see any authority for a `unless s/he goes to Such-and-Such Place on Sunday mornings.'