Ruiz- A few questions:
1. Why do you suppose we have immigration laws?
I am not for getting rid of laws on immigration. I, though, think we should totally rewrite our current laws and policies to ensure that we do not discriminate against people who have nothing and offer us nothing except someone willing to contribute to America.
Immigration laws are designed to protect us from real, overblown, and imaginary threats. For the most part, with very loose borders we should be seeing more problems. Our greatest problems are not illegals in this country, our greatest problems were contributed by those from the USA.
Traditionally, conservatives were for more open borders, more free trade, and encouraged immigration. Unfortunately, we seem to want to limit it more. Immigration is a reason today we are great today and I believe should be encouraged far beyond what our current laws state.
2. Is your policy of 'grace' fair to those immigrants who played by the rules and came to this country legally?
Grace is not about fairness. If I were to get what was fair to me, then God would send me to hell. Grace is about Grace upon the undeserved. God addressed the idea of fairness in one of his parables. There were workers who were hired for such a wage to work in the field. As the day progressed the master hired more men to do the work. When the earlier workers saw that the later workers got the same amount of money as the earlier workers, they complained. Yet, Jesus was clear that they received what was promised to them and this was just.
As well, it would be just to the previous legal immigrants but gracious to the others.
3. What message does it send if the law is not enforced, and do you honestly think ignoring immigration law is good for society?
It sends the message that we sometimes have grace on people. Yes, I do believe grace is often good for society. As a Christian, God's grace has been good for me. Would you agree, Grace is one of the greatest goods for society? As well, I think giving grace is one of the greatest things we can do for our spiritual development.
Only the Pharisees didn't like it when God had grace... I suspect some would not like it today for much of the same reasons.
I can respect your emphasis on 'grace', but you don't seem to want to address the subject of accoutability and the rule of law.
I acknowledge the rule of law or else this would not be grace. I also acknowledge accountability or else Grace would be useless. Because there is accountability and law means grace is that much greater.
My point here is not to directly address illegal immigrants either. If I were to do that, my approach would be much different and encourage them to recognize our laws and accountability. In encouraging American citizens to grace, my point is to address people in our own country to consider and embrace a grace centered ethic in this situation.
I believe we should have grace.