I just asked a question...one you failed to answer by the way.
Hello again! Eventually I'm going to have to show my ignorance and it might as well be now..... I can certainly see that, long before I joined this board, there has been much discussion and "debate" [for lack of a better term] between "cals and non cals", [I never claimed to be a 5pt Calvinist, only that I am Calvinistic btw] and there seems to be lines drawn and etc etc. I joined this forum just to enjoy fellowship with other believers, pastors, etc and I admit I've already been drawn into some debates on other issues which probably aren't going to edify anyone, and I don't feel like this debate is going to edify anyone either--I thought I answered your question, but its quite possible I didn't understand it

I believe those who hear the Gospel, the Spirit draws them, they repent, accept Christ, they are regenerated, born again, they are saved AMEN! Besides that point, does anything else really matter? Does everyone have a "chance" to be saved? The Scripture surely seems to say everyone [with an accountable mind] sure does. Will everyone be saved? No......now, how we get from point A [sinners hearing the Gospel] to point B [sinners being born again, or lost eternally], KNOWING our Lord has foreknowledge, is where it gets fuzzy....Does it really matter how we get from pt A to pt B? Brother, if it was God's design to save all, all would be saved....Scripture says clearly [again] whosoever ......but I'm torn because why don't they??
Your question was:
Do you believe that all who hear the Gospel appeal to be reconciled to God are able to willingly repent and believe unto salvation?
Now, after having written that mini novel above, I can honestly say I don't understand your question, because I don't believe all who hear the Gospel will appeal to be reconciled....no one will willingly repent and believe unless the Spirit draws him
If you are insinuating that all non-Calvinists rely completely upon emotional manipulations tactics, then you could not be more mistaken. Non-Calvinists, like myself, believe salvation is a work of God, we would just take issue with the concept that such work is irresistibly applied to a select few to the neglect of all others.

I'm too dumb to be insinuating anything! I never said such a thing! I was raised in an Arminian Church [lose your salvation] and, lets face it, if you can lose your salvation, you will....How can we keep it being human? So every Sunday morning the Preacher would preach a fire and brimstone salvation message [every Sunday] to the same congregation.....then people would walk the aisles and try to get people to repent.....this is what I grew up with and I was never comfortable for visitors when we were fortunate enough to have them! But if I believed I [man] had anything to do with the salvation process, it would certainly change my entire approach to preaching!
As far as the "select few" issue, again, God has foreknowledge, how you get from pt A to pt B is the issue. I know my God is a loving God, but if I [and my peabrain] could understand His Mind, He wouldn't be much of a God. I have gotten into some "discussions" in my Church in years past with people who would be open deists [even though they don't know what that means]

....I could never accept open deism.
Secondly, why do you call it "my decision" if you don't have control over it? Isn't it God's decision?
The problem here is semantics, I was just trying to answer your question
Third, some affirm that one can freely believe and repent thus receiving the seal of the Holy Spirit thus guaranteeing their inheritance. Once the HS seals the deal he is faithful to complete the work that was begun by Him. After all, all believers, have been predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ and ultimately adopted as sons/daughters upon the redemption of our bodies...something the church eagerly awaits.
Well, whatever you mean by freely I may not understand, but if the Holy Spirit isn't in the process, I don't know how you'd ever see a man/woman repent or be regenerated......
Peace man Peace:jesus: