So wait, you are quoting the opinions of a bunch of people to try to say that my opinion is invalid??? So I'm in the minority? Been there."I loved the writings of Arthur Pink and I read the man’s life in short. But this book gave me so much about his life, struggles, weaknesses of the man and an unswerving loyalty to Christ. My love for the man has increased and my respect for him has multiplied. I have named my son after Mr.Pink’s name."
John of Japan: "Arthur Pink was a terrible, disobedient Christian"
"I have read many of Pink's works, and have benefited greatly from them. Having no theological training and being buffeted about from church to church trying to get to the root of what the Bible teaches, most especially regarding soteriology, I found a very great friend in A.W.Pink. Like the author of this biography (a no mean feat to accomplish!) I too am not in perfect harmony with Pink's writings, most notably in the area of prophecy and eschatology; therefore the reader should take note that I don't blindly take on board every word that came from the pen of Pink. I agree with the author that Pink's work would have benefited greatly if he had a greater working knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew-he relied heavily on Bagsters interlinear.
Pink's teaching on Election, Pre-destination, and the Sovereignty of God, are topics that I have wrestled with for months and years, and try as I may, I cannot disagree with him, and came to the conclusion that his writings on these great themes are thoroughly Biblical. His work, however is very strong meat, and many, I fear in this wicked, fast moving and theologically inept world we now live in, will not spend their time digging deep in order to lay a rock solid foundation on which to build their faith in the "Blessed Hope". I have no doubt whatsoever, that if Pink compromised his beliefs and went with the Arminian and the "sensational" (as he calls it) flow, that he would have been a very 'successful' preacher and writer in his own life time. I had not realised that this man of God was such a gifted speaker.
This biography revealed many insights hitherto unknown to me regarding Pink's life and ministry work in the UK, USA and Australia.
From my previous knowledge and reading of Pink's writings, I believe this work is a well balanced account of Pink's life from the meagre gleanings available, (he seldom said much about himself) especially when we consider Pink's desire was to exalt ONLY his Saviour, and not himself? Unlike the vast majority of Christendom, with their so-called 'testimonies' and 'experiences' a dozen! We need NO testimony of man, only of Christ; "The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy" Revelation 19.10. It is ONLY the Word of God that will convict a soul to repentance and belief-"For the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Hebrews 4.12.
It is enough that God calls His people out of the world, we are but dust. Surrounded by the most handsome hand carved granite monoliths and obelisks in memory of local ministers and others; there is but nothing other than grass and weeds above where Pink now lies. His Redeemer KNOWS where he is!"
John of Japan: "Arthur Pink was a terrible, disobedient Christian"
"The works of Arthur W Pink have been fundamental to my theological studies for more than thirty years. The two books which made me so grateful to this godly man were "The Divine Covenants" and "The Sovereignty of God". I found them in the Alethia Christian Bookshop in Whitchurch, Shropshire. Arthur Pink fed my growing desire to understand God's Word and fanned the love in my heart to know more of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Saviour and constant Companion. Feeding on the Word of God by bible reading, and maintaining the elasticity of mind and heart through autodidactic study of theology is a great joy now in retirement. There are, of course, many more books to explore besides Pink's works, but they have provided more for me in my personal pilgrimage than I had ever imagined. Take Martyn Lloyd Jones advice and read Pink for your own spiritual development and get to grips with Barth and Bultmann and Dietrich Bonhoeffer as well. Beware of godless chatter which is rooted in unbelief. Beware above all of "religion". The Son of God did not found a new religion, he brought new Life to mankind and his fallen world. Hence the quest for "religionless Christianity"."
John of Japan: "Arthur Pink was a terrible, disobedient Christian"
A few excerpts from BB threads about Pink:
"Arthur Pink's The Sovereignty of God is one of two books that I have read in my life that I eagerly turned to page after the page while reading it, looking forward to what would be on the next page."
"moving me from the Church of Christ and other false gospels(reading The Sovereignty of God in the late 1990s was a big part of that)"
"His books stand or fall on their own merits. IMHO, they stand."
"All through this period of isolation, he never stopped writing. Sound writings. Some here are judging him harshly, all the while you're going to spend eternity in glory with him. He was a devoted man of God, period."
"His 'Sovereignty of God' was the first I read, it came to me like it was sent by God. 'Gleanings in Genesis' is a superb intro to types. 'Elijah' came to me at just the right time. His books on 'David', 'John', 'Hebrews' and several others I reference often."
"I read Pink's book 15 or 20 years ago, and remember being very blessed by it.....I am a big Pink fan, but I think this may perhaps be his best book."
"I read it also, probably 35 yrs ago, loved it, love Pink."
"Pink to me is a Type and Shadow man as I am... Love those comparisons..."
"The one I'm reading at the time, whatever Pink it is, is his best book"
"Walkington is my hero. I think The Sovereignty Of God is his best. I am presently rereading The Attributes Of God by him. And I'm also rereading JI Packer's book God's Words. Those two are classics."
"Do you know why I like Pink, Martin?... I like his types and shadows... His illustration and comparisons... He keeps you interested in what he says and how he says and applies it according to scripture... He will write something and I will read and say... I never look at it that way before... He brings new light to the OT and the NT..."
"......anyway, he continued writing for his readers, perhaps his calling was to write, not to pastor."
"A.W. Pink is a hero of mine. He was Baptist. Yet he had strong PB ties as well. I have a number of his books. His written ministry was exceptional. I have gleaned so much from his very biblical insights."
John of Japan: "Arthur Pink was a terrible, disobedient Christian"
Notice that you are quoting opinions from people talking about same biography I used on this thread and gave quotes from to show that Pink was a disobedient Christian.

Christ gets glory through His church: "Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen" (Eph. 2:21). Not through hermits.