You're welcome to think that if you wish, but I hold no animosity to other opponents of Dispensationalism.Considering that teaching Dispensationalism is your livelihood, it kinda explains your animosity towards him.
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You're welcome to think that if you wish, but I hold no animosity to other opponents of Dispensationalism.Considering that teaching Dispensationalism is your livelihood, it kinda explains your animosity towards him.
"There is reason to think that Pink himself made a serious mistake...when he declined to be associated with either of the two reformed congregations in Stornoway--the Free Presbyterian and the Free Church--on the grounds that they were 'lifeless'" (Iaian Murrah, The Life of Arthur W. Pink, p. 206). The footnote on that page says, "Kenneth A. MacRae was minister of one of these churches and the reader of his now-published Diary will find good reason toe disagree with this judgment." Murray was the editor of the Diary.I don't think that Dispensationalism had much hold on the churches on the Isle of Lewis. My understanding is that they were Reformed Presbyterian churches that had fallen into a sort of dead orthodoxy. The revival of the early '50s certainly awakened them, though my understanding is that they have fallen back in more recent times into their former ways.
You're welcome to think that if you wish, but I hold no animosity to other opponents of Dispensationalism.
It's not really berating someone if he's dead!Well, I do think that and would like to understand your fixation on him when there are so many others that are ALIVE you could legitimately berate.
my main objection to him is not his theology, but his poor Christian living.
Arthur Pink's The Sovereignty of God is one of two books that I have read in my life that I eagerly turned to page after the page while reading it, looking forward to what would be on the next page.
Arthur Pink was a master at drawing out the types in scripture.
Please do not use weak words like ‘kinda’ when addressing attack reasoning…be definitive and remove ‘kinda’ or use the word ‘does or must’Considering that teaching Dispensationalism is your livelihood, it kinda explains your animosity towards him.
Considering that teaching Dispensationalism is your livelihood, it kinda explains your animosity towards him.
It's not really berating someone if he's dead!
Please tell me what untrue thing I said about Pink. For it to be slander, it must be a lie. All I've done is refer to facts from the two biographies of him!K. Slander then.
John R. Rice's best seller was his little book on Heaven, which has sold over 700,000. His book Prayer: Asking and Receiving has sold several hundred thousand, which is much more than Pink's best seller. That was evidently is The Sovereignty of God, which sold 178,000 as of 2001. ( Rice wrote over 200 books and pamphlets, which have been translated into many different languages. His famous tract, "What Must I Do to Be Saved?" has had over 40,000,000 copies printed in over 40 languages.Who was most well-known and sold the most books? A.W. Pink or John R. Rice? Is this the root of your problem with him? That this "spiritual hermit" might've had greater influence than your grandfather?
And somehow he still found time to attend church services!Rice wrote over 200 books and pamphlets, which have been translated into many different languages. His famous tract, "What Must I Do to Be Saved?" has had over 40,000,000 copies printed in over 40 languages.
If your 'opinion' of Pink is not God's opinion, then it's slanderous. Again, cite scripture showing his reclusiveness to be the awful sin you're making it out to be.IMO, Arthur Pink was a terrible, disobedient Christian, and no one should learn theology from him. Period.
It's more fun to dish it out isn't it. Where's the good humor you recommend for others?@DaveXR650, @John of Japan, if judgmental intolerant 'Christians' like you were all I had to hang with I'd be a recluse too.
Interesting. You totally redefine "slander" to meet the needs of your argument for Pink purity. Your definition will not be found in any dictionary.If your 'opinion' of Pink is not God's opinion, then it's slanderous. Again, cite scripture showing his reclusiveness to be the awful sin you're making it out to be.
Aha. So in your view the only "REAL sins" are the really wicked ones, not disobedience. One can reject church (the body of Christ), call everyone apostate, refuse to fellowship with other Christians, and you are okay with that. Is that your position?In all these biographies on him is he ever accused of REAL sins like fornication, lying. stealing, drunkenness, railing, etc.?
Think we have examples of how to treat fellow brethren in example of Dr Sproul and Dr Macarthur, who while disagree on many truths of the Faith, still managed to really love each other, and not emulate example of Pink in regards to hw he went on the war path against all who he saw as teaching a "less than" ChristianityMore on Rice vs. Pink:
Rice's newspaper, The Sword of the Lord, reached a circulation of 300,000 back in the day (less now), and is still in existence. It was broad based evangelical, with articles and sermons by many, including Spurgeon.
Pink's little magazine (that's what he called it), Studies in the Scriptures, died shortly after he did because it was only articles by him. It never exceeded a couple thousand subscribers at its best.
John R. Rice had a worldwide ministry of hundreds of thousands souls saved and lives changed. Pink's main accomplishment was making people Calvinists. (To be fair, Pink did have a successful evangelistic ministry early in his career before he became a recluse. But you can't be a recluse and win folks to Christ.)
I think I've made my point. My objection to Pink's later years has nothing to do with anything the redneck accuses me of. It's a Biblical objection.
Good thinking.Think we have examples of how to treat fellow brethren in example of Dr Sproul and Dr Macarthur, who while disagree on many truths of the Faith, still managed to really love each other, and not emulate example of Pink in regards to hw he went on the war path against all who he saw as teaching a "less than" Christianity