I wish you'd learn to use the quote feature on the BB. It would make it easier to interact with you here. It's not that hard, especially for a Harvard grad.

Let's see: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, self control." No, no insulting in there.
So you are lecturing me about my own grandfather and what he believed, though I lived with him and worked with him and edited three of his books? That's a first, even for the BB. And you gave a quote ostensibly from Rice, but you did not source it. That is not only unethical it is against BB rules. And you did not pay attention to how I stated my comment. I did not say what you think I said.
I say that his position is very relevant to this topic. As I told you, he wrote two books against tongues, and that's what your OP is about, is it not? John R. Rice was completely against almost everything you've written in this thread. He expressed his opposition to Charismatic/Pentecostal tongues over and over.
"'Tongues' in the Bible always means languages, if not the physical tongue in a mouth. And since it is plural--'tongues'--it means other languages than one's own, that is, foreign languages. Remember, 'tongues' means natural foreign languages" (John R. Rice,
The Charismatic Movement, p. 34).
"John Wesley, Whitefield, Charles H. Spurgeon, J. Wilbur Chapman, Billy Sunday, Len G. Broughton, George W. Truett, Gipsy Smith--all these mighty soul winners depended upon the power of the Holy Spirit and had that power so that in each case they won many, many tens of thousands, some of the hundreds of thousands of souls, yet none of them talked with tongues!" (JRR,
Speaking With Tongues, p. 36).
"In I Corinthians 14, our Pentecostal brethren have tried to find teaching to bolster their idea of speaking in tongues as an ecstatic experience, speaking in tongues that people could not understand, as if that were a miraculous gift. It is not a miraculous gift now. It was not a miraculous gift there in Corinth, recorded in I Corinthians, chapter 14" (JRR,
Great Controversial Subjects, p. 304).
I could give many, many more quotes from his commentaries and other of his 200 books. John R. Rice was against what you are advocating concerning speaking in tongues. Yet God used him to see over 200,000 saved. End of story.
Sorry, that is very unconvincing. If 90% of a movement is carnal and wrong "of the flesh," then that movement has already lost the spiritual battle, and it's only a matter of time before the 10% follows.
That's great. It's part of the 10%. but it doesn't validate the fleshly 90%.
You need to get out to Africa (don't just read a book) and see the huge damage being done there by the Charismatic movement. The 90% are doing far more damage than the 10% are doing good.
I have.
I think it's a very valid point. If you believe tongues are so great, why have you not spoken them in decades? I assume you have seen God bless your ministry during that time. Why then do you advocate something you don't do yourself?
I played on a chess team in high school, but the last tournament I participated in was 15 years ago, just some missionaries and a Japanese brother getting together for some fun. (The Japanese brother won.

) If in spite of that I were to get on here and advocate chess as the greatest game in history, giving huge personal joy, you'd think I was nuts, since I have barely touched the game in 15 years, but play many other games.