Oh, great. you're quoting from a notorious anti-Fundamentalist (and therefore anti-John R. Rice) site (not an "article," a website).
He never claimed to be a scholar, and I never claimed him to be one. However, he was a theologian, and he certainly had a huge influence not only among Baptists but among conservative evangelicals.
But you have missed and left completely my whole point in quoting from him. The point was that the Charismatic version of tongues is completely unnecessary to be used of God. John R. Rice saw over 200,000 come to Christ without tongues. He mentions or could mention many others who have had like blessing from the Holy Spirit without tongues: Bob Jones Sr. (Methodist, by the way), D. L. Moody (Congregationalist, over a million saved), Sam Jones (Methodist), the Wesley brothers (oh, hey, Methodists), R. A. Torrey, Billy Sunday (1 million saved), and many others.
As anyone can see, there have been some awesome Methodist evangelists, greatly used of God without tongues. And you yourself have admitted on this thread that you haven't spoken in tongues in decades. Have you had any spiritual blessing, any souls saved, during that time? If so (I hope it is so), you can't credit tongues for that.
Oh, great. Still no sourcing, and therefore no context. I don't know if you are the one not sourcing or "Stuff Fundies Like" website is. Either way, it's unethical. But once again, you are completely missing my point. So there is no point in interacting with you here.
Ah, the classic "guilt by association" logical fallacy. I mention John R. Rice, a highly respected revivalist and author among independent and Southern Baptists, and you bring up the wacky Westside Baptist Church.

You diminish your argument by the fallacy.
Yeah, um, prove to me that he "has no clue" about the gift of prophecy. And true scholarship goes to the original source. So give me actual quotes, with context, proving your point, instead of out of context single sentences from a junky website like "Stuff Fundies Like."
Have you ever read a book by Rice? Do you have any? How about one of the three Ph.D. dissertations, or the several master's theses about him? Or maybe one of the five biographies of different lengths? Until you show actual knowledge not cribbed from a junky website, why should I pay any attention to your thoughts about him? They are irrelevant.