As for your "corporate" election theory, you have promoted this untenable theory for years and literally no one agrees with you on the entire BB that I have read. Do you really think the entire body of Christ is wrong and only you are correct?
1) I present what the Bible actually says and not the perversion based on Calvinism's presumptions.
2) To deny the rather mainstream view that the election of Ephesians 1:4 was corporate is to obviously embrace falsehood.
3) To claim I might think the "entire body of Christ is wrong" is just another personal attack, another use of logical fallacy to promote false doctrine.
4) Note once again, absolutely no rebuttal to the fact 1 Peter 2:9-10 precludes individual election before creation.
Despite all the posters blowing smokescreed, names are written in the Lamb's book of life "from" or since creation, and not before. This is the truth so desperately being evaded. Ask yourselves why if we were chosen individually before the foundation of the world were our names written since the foundation of the world. MacArthur might tell you to accept the paradox. This is the same sort of line cult leaders tell their victims.
What is the actual answer to the dilemma? Individuals were not chosen before the foundation of the world, individuals have been and are being chosen from or since the foundation of the world. Since scripture (
1 Peter 2:9-10) precludes individual election before creation, the election of
Ephesians 1:4 must be corporate, when God chose His Redeemer, He chose corporately all those His Redeemer would redeem, thus He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world. The gospel is simple and straightforward and understandable even to children.