So does Jesus Christ reign now or are we waiting for him too?
Is he a King now sitting on his throne on the right hand of the Father or we also waiting for that?
Does he have a kingdom now or are we waiting for him to set up one?
If he doesn't have a kingdom now then why are we his subjects and are we subject to a non existent kingdom where Jesus Christ does not rule and reign?
If we are waiting for sacrifice and a temple to be set up again then he is not the high priest and the mediator who put and end to what he was sent here for and fulfilled the law to a jot and a title?
If he didn't do all that and is not who the scripture say he is then why did he Father raise him from the dead, seeing he failed?
And the most heinous, un doctrinal, unscriptural fact is this, if Jesus Christ is not reigning now, your faith is vain and you are yet in your sins!... Even so come Lord Jesus and take us to Heaven where you came from... Brother Glen