Well-Known Member
But when you read Scripture for Scripture - for what is written. ..without Penal Substitution Theory - you get a fuller appreciation of God's love, even manifested as the wrath to come - than with Penal Substitution Theory.
Not only that, but you get unadulterated Scripture rather than doctrine corrupted by humanistic philosophy and paganism.
Jon, honestly I have been a believer for a long time and until very recently I didn't know there were competing theories about this. I didn't think of it in terms of theories, penal substitution just seems to be all over scripture. I think I am starting to see elements of where you are getting your ideas on the atonement but I know you don't want to commit to a known theory. Which is OK. The atonement is one of those things that although very important and essential it is something we all agree is completely and already done. And you're right in that we all can benefit from reading the Bible much more than most of us do.