Well-Known Member
I was exactly where you were first most of my life. I grew up in a Baptist church. I also saw Penal Substitution Theory all over Scripture (and I was unaware of other views...particularly that Christianity condemned aspects of the Theory as heresy before it was ever articulated).
It's just that I see it all over the place just from scripture. I don't know why my seeing it is any less valid than you not seeing it when you read just scripture. That is one reason I'd love to know what denomination or school of thought agrees with your take on it. I don't agree with the Catholics who used to think that reading scripture on your own means you are engaging in private interpretation but when I'm reading scripture I find it very helpful as a layman to be able to take an idea I get on my own and compare it to other people's theological system or a good commentary. I find I need the assistance of others in these areas.
We will just have to agree to disagree on this idea that it isn't in scripture after 4 threads of insisting on this. I don't see how anyone could say that unless your Bible doesn't have Leviticus, Isaiah, Psalms, Romans, 1 John, Hebrews, or Revelation. You dismiss any verse that is given and you dismiss references from church history prior to the reformation. It seems funny to me when you try to make a case that it is not found in any early church writings yet you haven't shown where your theory is found anywhere ever. That should be a cause for concern.