This is a Christian forum. The posts are read by more people than are active on any given thread. The posts and responses should reflect a Christ-like character.
When debating other Christians member should be addressing what is posted, not the Christian making the post. Sometimes people misspeak. Sometimes people infer what was not there. Seek clarification.
We do not need to characterize entire denominations, churches, or “camps” based on our limited experience or on what we have read about these Christians with whom we find (or think we find) disagreement.
I believe that some people are here only to stir up divisiveness. Christians should have nothing to do with these people (Titus 3:10). Do not answer a fool according to their folly.
Discussion can be accomplished in a honest, Christ-like manner. We do not have to act like the world in defending our opinions or positions. We should allow Scripture to govern our conduct with other believers and non-believers.
We all stumble (I have in the past on these boards). But there is absolutely no reason to live where we have fallen. We have to remember that those we engage here were purchased by the blood of Christ and be more careful about our interactions.
When debating other Christians member should be addressing what is posted, not the Christian making the post. Sometimes people misspeak. Sometimes people infer what was not there. Seek clarification.
We do not need to characterize entire denominations, churches, or “camps” based on our limited experience or on what we have read about these Christians with whom we find (or think we find) disagreement.
I believe that some people are here only to stir up divisiveness. Christians should have nothing to do with these people (Titus 3:10). Do not answer a fool according to their folly.
Discussion can be accomplished in a honest, Christ-like manner. We do not have to act like the world in defending our opinions or positions. We should allow Scripture to govern our conduct with other believers and non-believers.
We all stumble (I have in the past on these boards). But there is absolutely no reason to live where we have fallen. We have to remember that those we engage here were purchased by the blood of Christ and be more careful about our interactions.