My friend. What makes you so special from an unbeliever who is more moral than you, gives more than you, more kind and loving than you? What is it about you that is able to believe and yet the other person can't?
This is a popular approach for Calvinists, but they fail to see that they are actually committing the fallacy of question begging. Allow me to explain. In essence you are asking me to define what determines my freedom, which presumes determinism.
As I've said time and time again, "What you need to realize is that the drive to explain a truly free choice in this manner is really just a game of question begging because it assumes that a deterministic explaination is required. Ciocchi, who debated Feinberg, put it this way: "the choice between available options "is what free will is all about . . ., and it is finally mysterious, beyond full explanation, for full explanations presuppose the very determinism the libertarian rejects" (Ciocchi, p. 94)."
Further, I might turn the tables on you by asking you to speculate as to why some believers affirm the 'truth' of Calvinism, while others reject it? Are you better, smarter or in any way more worthy to receive these truths? See my point?
My friend. I was not begging the question as I wasn't referring to "irresistible grace" I was referring to scriptural interpretation.
Right, the scriptures that you interpret to teach 'irresistible grace,' same thing...
Let's look at it this way. If as you claim that man has free will, then he or she can freely choose the righteousness of God, but man is spiritually dead and cannot choose the things of God
Paul also refers to believers as being dead to sin, does that mean they too can't respond to the temptations of the evil one? Calvinists make the error of taking Paul's analogy of spiritual death too far, after all if man was truly a 'corpse' in this regard then he wouldn't be able to adamantly rebel against the gospel either, would he? How many corpses do you see say, "I don't want that!"
Point being that the analogy of death is to indicate natural separation and enmity with God, not total inability in the face of God's gracious and powerful provisions for reconciliation.
I affirm that men are born enslaved, which is why God sent a truth that can set them free.
I affirm that men are born enemies, which is why God sent an appeal to be reconciled.
I affirm that men are born dead, which is why God sent a life-giving gospel wrought by the Spirit of God Himself.
To deny that Gospel's sufficiency to save is unfounded biblically and it gives unbeliever the perfect excuse for not believing it. What better excuse is there than, "God didn't grant me the faith to believe that message?" I believe all men are WITHOUT EXCUSE.
so how is man free if he can't even choose God independent of God changing him?
God uses MEANS to change men. He used a blinding light to change Paul's mind and a big fish to change Jonah's mind. Why assume that he would use some secret inward working to change pre-selected members who listen to their message?
Of course God could snap his fingers and make Paul or Jonah believe and preach where he wants them to go, but that is not the MEANS God uses. He uses outward means (blinding light, big fish, The Gospel). These means, though resistible, are non-the-less powerful in accomplishing their purpose. Those who resist them by 'trading the truth in for a lie' do so to their own peril are are completely without excuse. They don't reject God because God first rejected them....they reject God despite his love, provision and appeal for them to turn and be saved.