If there be no general call of repentance to all men why would John Baptist say in Matt 3:2 repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This message John preached to all people, Pharisees and Sadducees alike. Jesus Christ himself in Mark1:5 told the multitude to repent and believe the gospel. I believe the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone that believeth, so say's the scripture. It is a savior of life unto life or a savior of death unto death. If there be no general call to all men how would God judge the lost at the end. How could the lost be responsible for their sins in that great day if they have not rejected either the gospel or the light which God has given them ? Everything that is preached is not the gospel. The Gospel unto salvation is a proclamation of Christ to lost sinners as the only means of justification to God to satisfy the laws demands.
Again, please note the speaker, the "spoken to", and the place or venue where the speaking is being made.
The speaker: John, a jew, a jewish prophet.
The spoken: The Israelites, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Pharisees. Not a mention of a Gentile present, or of any who were not "born under the law".
The venue: Jordan River, in Israel.
There is a call of repentance to all men, but only in the sense of those who are "Israel". Do you have an idea of what that phrase means ? They are not all Israel who are of Israel. The call is to the regenerate people who are of the "Israel of God", among Israel (both Jew and Gentile).
Have you even read Revelation 20 ? The "lost" as you call them were judged according to their works, which includes all sins from unbelief to everything done by the unregenerate in time. And,
finally, as if to seal and prove their worthiness to judgment, the book of life is opened, and, lo and behold, their names were never among those God wrote from the foundation of the world.
Doctrinal conclusion: only those whose names were written by God in that book
from the foundation of the world, have been foreknown, predestinated, called, justified, and glorified as in Romans 8:29-30 thru Christ, the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Everything pertaining to God's elect people were done in Christ from the foundation of the world. The things that happened here in this time were to substantiate things that were done in eternity past.
That is the purpose why God took on human form. That is the purpose why He established a national Israel from one man. That is the purpose of all those pictures, types, shadows, picture words, etc., that we find all over the Old Testament. Substantiation.
Redemption of
all the elect, dead, alive, and still to be born is over. The Holy Spirit's task now is to quicken, bring alive, regenerate each and every one of them, Jew and Gentile alive, and He is doing it, with or without the gospel, so the call to repentance is not general as in all mankind, but to the regenerate elect among all mankind.
The Holy Spirit quickens, and draws the regenerate to Christ.
The task of the church is glorification of her Lord, in the midst of condemned unbelievers, not to win sous to Christ. He has already done that.
Gospel living.
That is what we are to teach those whom the Lord redeemed with His blood, and, brings to any of His timely fold.