Here is our point of agreement: the ability to believe is a gift from God. Whether it's given to everybody, as you believe, or whether it's given only to the elect is not at issue here
The question whether all men are able to believe, or only those who are regenerated is HUGE. If a man can only believe if God regenerates him, then it must be that God did not desire to regenerate the non-elect and desires that person goes to hell. If all men have the ability to believe when they hear the gospel (which enables them), then the man only is responsible if he refuses the free gift. In my view, God desires all men to be saved. The preaching of the gospel enables a man (you cannot believe what you have never heard). If the man rejects the gospel, he alone is responsible for his own damnation.
These are very different views of God. Calvinists MUST believe God wills to damn men, or else he would regenerate them. The non-Cal view is that God desires every man to be saved, but men refuse of their own free will and damn themselves.
The difference between our views is night and day.
I believe than when one calls on the name of the Lord in repentance and faith, he will be saved. The problem is not with him, it's with those who are instructing the lost man regarding the way of salvation. More than once I have asked someone (after going through the scriptures) "Do you want God to save you? Then ask him." Then I shut up. If I have to tell him the words to say, then I have failed to properly instruct him.
And what would you say? Tell me what you would tell the man.
Just curious, when you prayed for salvation, were you told what to say? It doesn't sound like it from your testimony, but I was just wondering.
I was instructed (I was only 10 or 11 years old), but I listened to what was said and agreed with it. I told Jesus I was a sinner, I believed God's word that the wages of sin is death. I believed God's word that Jesus is the Son of God and died for me, and rose from the dead. I also believed God's word that if I would trust Jesus and call on him to save me he would. I sincerely called upon Jesus to save me, and I meant it with all my heart. I in no way thought I was reciting a magic formula, I was talking to Jesus directly from my heart.
Oh, absolutely. And thank God for them. But I can cite instances of those who haven't darkened the door of a church in years, but insist they are saved because they "said the prayer."
So what? If that person sincerely asked Jesus to forgive their sins and save them, they are saved whether they go to church or not. We are not saved by works, we are saved by trusting Jesus to save us.
When Jesus healed the ten lepers, only one returned to thank him. Does this mean the other nine were not healed? No, they were just as healed as the one leper who returned and thanked Jesus.
I also walked an aisle in 1947 and the Lord has kept me to this day. But my testimony is not that I walked the aisle, and it is not my hope of heaven.
I don't think walking down an aisle saved me either, I think I was saved when I prayed to Jesus and asked him to save me after I walked down the aisle.
Exactly. Careful, Winman, this sounds as if you're coming over to the dark side. We're agreeing here.
I will never agree with Calvinism. I believe God loves all men and desires all men to be saved. I believe the gospel message is quick and powerful, it convicts a man of his need to be saved, and instructs him what he must do to be saved. If a man will trust Jesus he will be saved.
I do not believe God handpicks certain persons to be saved and chooses to pass by the rest as Calvinism believes. If a man must be regenerated to believe, then it must be so that God desires only those he regenerates to be saved, and God must desire that the rest be damned. That is not the God I worship.
Incidentally, when the Lord saved me, I never prayed a prayer, nor was I instructed to. I came under deep convictio
n for the first time in my 9-year-old life. My pastor simply asked me a series of questions.
Why are you coming?
Do you understand what it means to be a sinner?
Do you understand the consequences of your sins?
Do you repent of your sins?
Do you wish to trust Jesus and Him alone for your salvation?
Sit down right over there.
It is the same thing. If you "wished" to trust Jesus, that is all that matters. Jesus knows the heart. In your heart you were calling out to him whether you expressed it in prayer or not.
We're on the same page here. Except if you were still wallowing in sin, it might raise a question as to whether you did it just to keep from going to hell.
Well, I certainly haven't quit sinning 100%, have you?
I've never told anyone that, and never heard it from the pulpit, even from Calvinist preachers. The exhortation has always been "repent and trust Christ."
That is the giveaway. No Calvinist preacher would ever tell a sinner that God must regenerate him to believe before he believes. No, Calvinists preach just like Arminians and non-Cals to simply believe.
After the person believes he is told God regenerated him.
If a man was told what Calvinists truly believe, many men would be utterly confused and waiting for this regeneration "experience". How do you know when you have been regenerated? Do you see a flash? Do you feel something? Do you see Jesus like Paul did on the road to Damascus?
How do I know my faith isn't some false faith? How do I know my faith is the real faith that was generated by God in me?
Good luck getting folks saved if you tell them what you really believe. They will go away more confused and in more doubt than when they came in.