I don't suppose you have ever heard or encountered someone with Stockholm syndrome?
Stockholm syndrome, psychological response wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands. (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Stockholm syndrome so everyone get this from being confined against there will. This a legal term for set me free from Jail for the most part. Not to mention I do not believe in that Garbage either.
When you here someone say, "I'll see you in hell," that is a verbal indication of what binds the will. The will of the unbeliever from birth is conditioned to lie, cheat, steal, That is the worldly nature that serves the master - the god of this world.
This is just your theory none of what you have said here proves anything.
All unbelievers are enslaved to the worldly nature. As such they may choose from what God has provided as a general blessing to all humanity, however, there is no indication in Scripture that a slave merely by their will ever achieved freedom of the will, but were continuously submissive to the master of their life. All unbelievers are ungodly, and as such they are the subjects of the god of this world. Christ even calls unbelievers servants of the devil, or their father is the devil..
This may be what you believe but I disagree. Anyone can leave slavery. Many have and many still do. Simply by there freewill.
The slavery to sin is unbreakable unless the person has the Holy Spirit and the washing and renewal of the Mind by the Word of God, just as I posted. Such is not found in the unbeliever. They may certainly quit some bad habit, or try to reform some in some manner, but as the Christ said, "Even you (unbelievers) know how to give good gifts." The question is not what is "good" but what is both the "good and perfect" that only comes from Heaven.
Slavery is very breakable. Just look at all the slaves that use to be in America.Look to those slaves for there out standing freedom of there own will. You haven't got a leg to stand on. You haven't proven anything
The believer is perfected in Christ, yet still the old nature (old will) would try to usurp the New Nature (as Paul stated the need to die daily to this world) in attempts to corrupt the testimony of the Christian. Often such does in fact happen which is why the letters to the various churches encourage folks to life for Christ and to put off the old ways of life. The believer has the true freedom of choice unavailable to the unbeliever.
Absolute nonsense.
MB, I would recommend you read from the link I provided in an above post to a writing by Johnathan Edwards.
He was a brilliant theologian, and although he writes at a very high level of comprehension (for he was addressing famous philosopers and their corrupt philosophies that are even propagated to this day) perhaps you might find it instructive to understanding. Not everyone has the reading level to work totally through what Johnathan Edwards presents, for he is extremely tedious as he attacks each philosophy on multiple fronts and destroys them .
Johnathan Edwards is recognized as the greatest theologian of colonial America, He entered Yale at 13 years old and graduated in two years. Like I said the man was brilliant. He also put feet to his salvation by not only being a past or but at the same time was working as one of the earliest missionaries to the native Americans.
However, as great as he was, he and I would disagree on the matter of eschatology.![]()
Don't you know that reading such materials just indoctrinates you deeper into Calvinism. I'm not interested in the writings of men What men think does not impress me. Especially on spiritual matters. The Bible is all I need and they disagree with Mr Edwards